RTP dynamic bitrate depending on network condition

Ingemar Johansson ingemar.s.johansson at ericsson.com
Wed Feb 20 16:32:54 UTC 2019

Actually, an effort to do rate adaptation based on SR/RR is going to make
you disappointed (been there tried that). 

I have made the SCReAM gstreamer code public and I do believe that this will
solve your congestion control problem better. The code is found at
or by cloing the whole thing from 
https://github.com/EricssonResearch/scream . 

Currently you need to run it as sender and receiver applications that
execute the pipelines. This because the code is written to work with either
x264enc or rpicamsrc.

A rather ugly video with SCReAM implemented in a Raspberry PI 3 B+ is found
at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-jwNf8kIMM , the budget could not afford
a BMW Z3 :-)


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