Audio Pipe with using the Sink Clock (need help)

Maik Scholz Scholz.Maik at
Thu Jan 24 15:28:50 UTC 2019

Hi again,
I just gave that issue another try.

I have a simple audio pipeline, audiotestsrc => alsasink.
For my real application, I have the requirement, that the sink element clock
is used as pipeline clock. 
But I see, that the system clock is used instead.
This cause a clock skew and a buffer over-/underrun in my real application.

/*How can i make sure, that the sink clock is used?*/


>*gst-launch-1.0 audiotestsrc freq=330 is-live=true do-timestamp=true !
alsasink device=hw:0,0 provide-clock=true sync=true slave-method=2
can-activate-pull=true async=true* 2> /tmp/gst.log


*For my understanding, at this point in time, the audio sink deny's
providing a clock because the ringbuffer is not ready.*

*Now the system clock is used!*

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