Error resolution or example for webrtcdsp with webrtcechoprobe

ankit ankit.patel1 at
Wed Mar 20 06:40:08 UTC 2019

Hello Nicolas,

Thanks for reply.

I understand your point and explanation about echo cancel.

Currently I am using below reference pipeline:

gst-launch-1.0 *alsasrc* !
audio/x-raw,format=\(string\)S16LE,rate=16000,channels=1 ! *webrtcdsp* !
audioconvert ! speexenc ! rtpspeexpay pt=111 ! udpsink host=
port=7078 *udpsrc* port=7078
! rtpspeexdepay ! speexdec ! audioconvert ! *webrtcechoprobe* ! alsasink

With the above pipeline however I am not able to remove echo, also I need to
restart board to use it again(no error occurred while pipeline is running).
If I remove webrtc component from pipeline then it works without reboot.

This same pipeline I have implemented with c++ code so without webrtc
element it works properly but when I try to add that element I am getting
error as mentioned before in my first post.

I hope you can understand my issue.


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