h264 "divisible by 2"

Igors igors at eias3d.com
Sat Mar 30 15:17:43 UTC 2019

Hi All

The test pipeline is:

gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc num-buffers=100 ! videoconvert !
video/x-raw,width=640,height=480,format=YV12 ! x264enc ! qtmux ! filesink

It works fine but only for even image sizes, height=479 gives encoder error
(height not divisible by 2)

No such restriction if change "format" to Y444 but produced movie can't be
opened with default OS players
(QT Player for example) and it's very inconvenient. After some googling it
looks like a standard prob. However other apps do this, e.g. created files
with odd sizes are opened fine in standard players. I compared caps for
these and those files - both have profile "high" 4:2:0 and all fields are
same except of one

1. File with odd sizes created in other app(s)

2. File with even sizes created with pipeline above

I've tried to specify codec_data in command line but it has no effect. Any
idea? Or I need another codec instead of x264enc?


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