How and why v4l2src able to take YV12 format?

Nicolas Dufresne nicolas at
Tue Nov 19 01:32:44 UTC 2019

Le lundi 18 novembre 2019 à 14:06 -0600, jeyp4 a écrit :
> Wow, thanks for putting this much effort for this issue.
> Although I being not an expert of gstreamer,  understood half only.

I could reproduce locally and we have this goal to try and keep libv4l2
working for the basic use case.

> I have to test this patch on Jetson, which has stock gstreamer 1.14, not
> gst-build.
> Can you share some instructions, how to patch?
> Sorry for my stupidity.. I will check tomorrow on my desk.

First step, make sure you can build and run Jetson/NVidia fork of
GStreamer following NVidia's instruction. When that's reach, there is
multiple ways, considering NVidia's is not proposing git repository,
here's a propose method:

cd gst-plugins-good
cat 23089e9cc376bdda90185d2b2378e3ba1ad78c75.patch | patch -p1

Hopefully there will be no conflict. Otherwise, it's really just few
lines of code, you can just try and apply it manually.


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