GstBus not getting EOS Event

Luca Bacci luca.bacci982 at
Wed Nov 20 20:54:34 UTC 2019

Setting a pipeline from playing to paused, ready, or null does not send an
EOS event at all. If you read the documentation about states
when changing from playing to paused, to ready, to null, it does not
mention sending a synthesized EOS event.

The EOS event is sent, for example, when a filesrc has read all the content
of a file, but has nothing to do with setting a pipeline to NULL

Hope it helps! :)

Il giorno mer 20 nov 2019 alle ore 21:31 Luca Bacci <luca.bacci982 at>
ha scritto:

> Hi! What you are experiencing is expected, it's by design. Should be
> documented better though, because it's not really intuitive
> See:
> Il giorno mer 20 nov 2019 alle ore 15:54 ravi.modha <ravi.modha at>
> ha scritto:
>> Could someone please help me on this as I am still stuck on it
>> --
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