Efficiently change color space for vaapih264enc

ambyjkl ambareeshbalaji at gmail.com
Wed Oct 23 09:40:24 UTC 2019

Hi everyone, I have a pipeline where I want to record the screen into an h264
stream using vaapi. Here is what I'm doing at the moment

gst-launch-1.0 \
ximagesrc use-damage=false \
! queue \
! videorate ! video/x-raw,framerate=2993/100 \
! glupload ! glcolorconvert ! gldownload
! video/x-raw,format=I420,framerate=2993/100 \
! vaapih264enc \
! fakesink

As you can see I'm trying to utilize the gpu as much as possible. Since
vaapi caps expect the video to be one of a few supported color channels, I'm
having to convert color spaces. But the sad part is, on my setup, the
glcolorconvert part is using more than double the CPU of everything else
combined! This is because of the extra copying overhead of glupload !
glcolorconvert ! gldownload, which copies into a gl buffer and back.
However, this still seems to be faster than a CPU driven videoconvert in my

Since the final destination is vaapi anyway which is on the GPU, is there a
way to optimize the pipeline by avoiding the gldownload and have vaapi work
directly on the gl buffer? If not, is there something like vaapipostproc
that would let vaapi manage the color space conversion itself *before* the

Thanks :)

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