Gstreamer Alsasink delayed Output

maddy2607 midhunk at
Fri Sep 13 05:32:53 UTC 2019

Hi Guys,
         I'am new to gstreamer, and i made a pipeline in my source code to
add gstreamer. my pipeline is as follows :

appsrc1 -> audioresample -> capsfilter -> mixer

appsrc2 -> audioresample -> capsfilter -> mixer

I get following issues when running in the pipeline

* I made 2 appsrc's livesrc, since appsrc2 wont get data always, appsrc1
gets data always. Without is-live=TRUE there was no audio output. What is
this issue?

* When the sync property of alsasink = TRUE, i get delayed output. The audio
starts after 3- 4 sec, and the output will be delayed as such. What is this

* Since i used livesrc , i changed "do-timestamp" =TRUE and "min-latency" =
0 for the appsrc's

* If i set the sync property of alsasink = FALSE, there will be only
millisec delay in the audio Output, but the delay increases by time. How i
can solve these issues?

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