gstreamer command Issue.
isshed.sip at
Mon Apr 20 12:40:34 UTC 2020
Hi Keith,
Please find the gst-inspect-1.0 pylonsrc
# gst-inspect-1.0 pylonsrc
Factory Details:
Rank none (0)
Long-name Basler Pylon Video Source
Klass Source/Video/Device
Description Baser Pylon video source
Author Ingmars Melkis <zingmars at>
Plugin Details:
Name pylon
Description Basler Pylon video elements
Filename /opt/gst/plugins/gstreamer-1.0/
Version 1.5.92-62-gc1aa0a4
License LGPL
Source module gst-plugins-vision package
Binary package gst-plugins-vision
Origin URL Unknown package origin
Pad Templates:
SRC template: 'src'
Availability: Always
Element Flags:
no flags set
Element Implementation:
Has change_state() function: gst_base_src_change_state
Element has no clocking capabilities.
Element has no URI handling capabilities.
SRC: 'src'
Pad Template: 'src'
Element Properties:
name : The name of the object
flags: readable, writable
String. Default: "pylonsrc0"
parent : The parent of the object
flags: readable, writable
Object of type "GstObject"
blocksize : Size in bytes to read per buffer (-1 = default)
flags: readable, writable
Unsigned Integer. Range: 0 - 4294967295 Default:
num-buffers : Number of buffers to output before sending EOS (-1
= unlimited)
flags: readable, writable
Integer. Range: -1 - 2147483647 Default: -1
typefind : Run typefind before negotiating
flags: readable, writable
Boolean. Default: false
do-timestamp : Apply current stream time to buffers
flags: readable, writable
Boolean. Default: true
camera : (Number) Camera ID as defined by Basler's API. If
only one camera is connected this parameter will be ignored and the lone
camera will be used. If there are multiple cameras and this parameter isn't
defined, the plugin will output a list of available cameras and their IDs.
Note that if there are multiple cameras available to the API and the camera
parameter isn't defined then this plugin will not run.
flags: readable, writable
Integer. Range: 0 - 100 Default: 9999
height : (Pixels) The height of the picture. Note that the
camera will remember this setting, and will use values from the previous
runs if you relaunch without specifying this parameter. Reconnect the
camera or use the reset parameter to reset.
flags: readable, writable
Integer. Range: 0 - 10000 Default: 0
width : (Pixels) The width of the picture. Note that the
camera will remember this setting, and will use values from the previous
runs if you relaunch without specifying this parameter. Reconnect the
camera or use the reset parameter to reset.
flags: readable, writable
Integer. Range: 0 - 10000 Default: 0
binningh : (Pixels) The number of pixels to be binned in
horizontal direction. Note that the camera will remember this setting, and
will use values from the previous runs if you relaunch without specifying
this parameter. Reconnect the camera or use the reset parameter to reset.
flags: readable, writable
Integer. Range: 1 - 6 Default: 1
binningv : (Pixels) The number of pixels to be binned in
vertical direction. Note that the camera will remember this setting, and
will use values from the previous runs if you relaunch without specifying
this parameter. Reconnect the camera or use the reset parameter to reset.
flags: readable, writable
Integer. Range: 1 - 6 Default: 1
limitbandwidth : (true/false) Bandwidth limit mode. Disabling this
will potentially allow the camera to reach higher frames per second, but
can potentially damage your camera. Use with caution. Running the plugin
without specifying this parameter will reset the value stored on the camera
to `true`.
flags: readable, writable
Boolean. Default: true
maxbandwidth : (Bytes per second) This property sets the maximum
bandwidth the camera can use. The camera will only use as much as it needs
for the specified resolution and framerate. This setting will have no
effect if limitbandwidth is set to off. Note that the camera will remember
this setting, and will use values from the previous runs if you relaunch
without specifying this parameter. Reconnect the camera or use the reset
parameter to reset.
flags: readable, writable
Integer. Range: 0 - 999999999 Default: 0
sensorreadoutmode : (normal/fast) This property changes the sensor
readout mode. Fast will allow for faster framerates, but might cause
quality loss. It might be required to either increase max bandwidth or
disabling bandwidth limiting for this to cause any noticeable change.
Running the plugin without specifying this parameter will reset the value
stored on the camera to "normal".
flags: readable, writable
String. Default: "normal"
acquisitionframerateenable: (true/false) Enables the use of custom fps
values. Will be set to true if the fps poperty is set. Running the plugin
without specifying this parameter will reset the value stored on the camera
to false.
flags: readable, writable
Boolean. Default: false
fps : (Frames per second) Sets the framerate of the video
coming from the camera. Setting the value too high might cause the plugin
to crash. Note that if your pipeline proves to be too much for your
computer then the resulting video won't be in the resolution you set.
Setting this parameter will set acquisitionframerateenable to true. The
value of this parameter will be saved to the camera, but it will have no
effect unless either this or the acquisitionframerateenable parameters are
set. Reconnect the camera or use the reset parameter to reset.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: 0 - 1024
Default: 0
lightsource : (off, 2800k, 5000k, 6500k) Changes the colour
balance settings to ones defined by presests. Just pick one that's closest
to your environment's lighting. Running the plugin without specifying this
parameter will reset the value stored on the camera to "5000k"
flags: readable, writable
String. Default: "5000k"
autoexposure : (off, once, continuous) Controls whether or not the
camera will try to adjust the exposure settings. Setting this parameter to
anything but "off" will override the exposure parameter. Running the plugin
without specifying this parameter will reset the value stored on the camera
to "off"
flags: readable, writable
String. Default: "off"
exposure : (Microseconds) Exposure time for the camera in
microseconds. Will only have an effect if autoexposure is set to off
(default). Higher numbers will cause lower frame rate. Note that the camera
will remember this setting, and will use values from the previous runs if
you relaunch without specifying this parameter. Reconnect the camera or use
the reset parameter to reset.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: 0 - 1000000
Default: 0
autowhitebalance : (off, once, continuous) Controls whether or not the
camera will try to adjust the white balance settings. Setting this
parameter to anything but "off" will override the exposure parameter.
Running the plugin without specifying this parameter will reset the value
stored on the camera to "off"
flags: readable, writable
String. Default: "off"
balancered : Specifies the red colour balance. the
autowhitebalance must be set to "off" for this property to have any effect.
Note that the this value gets saved on the camera, and running this plugin
again without specifying this value will cause the previous value being
used. Use the reset parameter or reconnect the camera to reset.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: 0 - 15.9
Default: 999
balancegreen : Specifies the green colour balance. the
autowhitebalance must be set to "off" for this property to have any effect.
Note that the this value gets saved on the camera, and running this plugin
again without specifying this value will cause the previous value being
used. Use the reset parameter or reconnect the camera to reset.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: 0 - 15.9
Default: 999
balanceblue : Specifies the blue colour balance. the
autowhitebalance must be set to "off" for this property to have any effect.
Note that the this value gets saved on the camera, and running this plugin
again without specifying this value will cause the previous value being
used. Use the reset parameter or reconnect the camera to reset.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: 0 - 15.9
Default: 999
colorredhue : Specifies the red colour's hue. Note that the this
value gets saved on the camera, and running this plugin again without
specifying this value will cause the previous value being used. Use the
reset parameter or reconnect the camera to reset.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: -4 - 3.9
Default: 999
colorredsaturation : Specifies the red colour's saturation. Note that
the this value gets saved on the camera, and running this plugin again
without specifying this value will cause the previous value being used. Use
the reset parameter or reconnect the camera to reset.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: 0 - 1.9
Default: 999
coloryellowhue : Specifies the yellow colour's hue. Note that the
this value gets saved on the camera, and running this plugin again without
specifying this value will cause the previous value being used. Use the
reset parameter or reconnect the camera to reset.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: -4 - 3.9
Default: 999
coloryellowsaturation: Specifies the yellow colour's saturation. Note
that the this value gets saved on the camera, and running this plugin again
without specifying this value will cause the previous value being used. Use
the reset parameter or reconnect the camera to reset.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: 0 - 1.9
Default: 999
colorgreenhue : Specifies the green colour's hue. Note that the
this value gets saved on the camera, and running this plugin again without
specifying this value will cause the previous value being used. Use the
reset parameter or reconnect the camera to reset.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: -4 - 3.9
Default: 999
colorgreensaturation: Specifies the green colour's saturation. Note that
the this value gets saved on the camera, and running this plugin again
without specifying this value will cause the previous value being used. Use
the reset parameter or reconnect the camera to reset.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: 0 - 1.9
Default: 999
colorcyanhue : Specifies the cyan colour's hue. Note that the this
value gets saved on the camera, and running this plugin again without
specifying this value will cause the previous value being used. Use the
reset parameter or reconnect the camera to reset.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: -4 - 3.9
Default: 999
colorcyansaturation : Specifies the cyan colour's saturation. Note that
the this value gets saved on the camera, and running this plugin again
without specifying this value will cause the previous value being used. Use
the reset parameter or reconnect the camera to reset.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: 0 - 1.9
Default: 999
colorbluehue : Specifies the blue colour's hue. Note that the this
value gets saved on the camera, and running this plugin again without
specifying this value will cause the previous value being used. Use the
reset parameter or reconnect the camera to reset.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: -4 - 3.9
Default: 999
colorbluesaturation : Specifies the blue colour's saturation. Note that
the this value gets saved on the camera, and running this plugin again
without specifying this value will cause the previous value being used. Use
the reset parameter or reconnect the camera to reset.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: 0 - 1.9
Default: 999
colormagentahue : Specifies the magenta colour's hue. Note that the
this value gets saved on the camera, and running this plugin again without
specifying this value will cause the previous value being used. Use the
reset parameter or reconnect the camera to reset.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: -4 - 3.9
Default: 999
colormagentasaturation: Specifies the magenta colour's saturation. Note
that the this value gets saved on the camera, and running this plugin again
without specifying this value will cause the previous value being used. Use
the reset parameter or reconnect the camera to reset.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: 0 - 1.9
Default: 999
autogain : (off, once, continuous) Controls whether or not the
camera will try to adjust the gain settings. Setting this parameter to
anything but "off" will override the exposure parameter. Running the plugin
without specifying this parameter will reset the value stored on the camera
to "off"
flags: readable, writable
String. Default: "off"
gain : (dB) Sets the gain added on the camera before
sending the frame to the computer. The value of this parameter will be
saved to the camera, but it will be set to 0 every time this plugin is
launched without specifying gain or overriden if the autogain parameter is
set to anything that's not "off". Reconnect the camera or use the reset
parameter to reset the stored value.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: 0 - 12
Default: 0
blacklevel : (DN) Sets stream's black level. This parameter is
processed on the camera before the picture is sent to the computer. The
value of this parameter will be saved to the camera, but it will be set to
0 every time this plugin is launched without specifying this parameter.
Reconnect the camera or use the reset parameter to reset the stored value.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: 0 - 63.75
Default: 0
gamma : Sets the gamma correction value. This parameter is
processed on the camera before the picture is sent to the computer. The
value of this parameter will be saved to the camera, but it will be set to
1.0 every time this plugin is launched without specifying this parameter.
Reconnect the camera or use the reset parameter to reset the stored value.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: 0 - 3.9
Default: 1
reset : (off, before, after). Controls whether or when the
camera's settings will be reset. Setting this to "before" will wipe the
settings before the camera initialisation begins. Setting this to "after"
will reset the device once the pipeline closes. This can be useful for
debugging or when you want to use the camera with other software that
doesn't reset the camera settings before use (such as PylonViewerApp).
flags: readable, writable
String. Default: "off"
testimage : (1-6) Specifies a test image to show instead of a
video stream. Useful for debugging. Will be disabled by default.
flags: readable, writable
Integer. Range: 0 - 6 Default: 0
continuous : (true/false) Used to switch between triggered and
continuous mode. To switch to triggered mode this parameter has to be
switched to false.
flags: readable, writable
Boolean. Default: true
pixel-format : Force the pixel format (e.g., Mono8). Default to
'auto', which will use GStreamer negotiation.
flags: readable, writable
String. Default: "auto"
userid : (<string>) Sets the device custom id so that it can
be identified later.
flags: readable, writable
String. Default: ""
demosaicing : (true/false) Switches between simple and Basler's
Demosaicing (PGI) mode. Note that this will not work if bayer output is
flags: readable, writable
Boolean. Default: false
noisereduction : Specifies the amount of noise reduction to apply.
To use this Basler's demosaicing mode must be enabled. Setting this will
enable demosaicing mode.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: 0 - 2
Default: 999
sharpnessenhancement: Specifies the amount of sharpness enhancement to
apply. To use this Basler's demosaicing mode must be enabled. Setting this
will enable demosaicing mode.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: 1 - 3.98
Default: 999
offsetx : (0-10000) Determines the vertical offset. Note that
the maximum offset value is calculated during initialisation, and will not
be shown in this output.
flags: readable, writable
Integer. Range: 0 - 10000 Default: 99999
centerx : (true/false) Setting this will center the
horizontal offset. Setting this to true this will cause the plugin to
ignore offsetx value.
flags: readable, writable
Boolean. Default: false
offsety : (0-10000) Determines the vertical offset. Note that
the maximum offset value is calculated during initialisation, and will not
be shown in this output.
flags: readable, writable
Integer. Range: 0 - 10000 Default: 99999
centery : (true/false) Setting this will center the vertical
offset. Setting this to true this will cause the plugin to ignore offsetx
flags: readable, writable
Boolean. Default: false
flipx : (true/false) Setting this will flip the image
flags: readable, writable
Boolean. Default: false
flipy : (true/false) Setting this will flip the image
flags: readable, writable
Boolean. Default: false
exposureupperlimit : (105-1000000) Sets the upper limit for the auto
exposure function.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: 105 - 1000000
Default: 999
exposurelowerlimit : (105-1000000) Sets the lower limit for the auto
exposure function.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: 105 - 1000000
Default: 999
gainupperlimit : (0-12.00921) Sets the upper limit for the auto gain
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: 0 - 12.00921
Default: 999
gainlowerlimit : (0-12.00921) Sets the lower limit for the auto gain
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: 0 - 12.00921
Default: 999
autoprofile : (gain/exposure) When the auto functions are on,
this determines whether to focus on minimising gain or exposure.
flags: readable, writable
String. Default: "default"
autobrightnesstarget: (0.19608-0.80392) Sets the brightness value the
auto exposure function should strive for.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: 0.19608 - 0.80392
Default: 999
transformationselector: (RGBRGB, RGBYUV, YUVRGB) Sets the type of color
transformation done by the color transformation selectors.
flags: readable, writable
String. Default: "default"
transformation00 : Gain00 transformation selector.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: -8 - 7.96875
Default: 999
transformation01 : Gain01 transformation selector.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: -8 - 7.96875
Default: 999
transformation02 : Gain02 transformation selector.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: -8 - 7.96875
Default: 999
transformation10 : Gain10 transformation selector.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: -8 - 7.96875
Default: 999
transformation11 : Gain11 transformation selector.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: -8 - 7.96875
Default: 999
transformation12 : Gain12 transformation selector.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: -8 - 7.96875
Default: 999
transformation20 : Gain20 transformation selector.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: -8 - 7.96875
Default: 999
transformation21 : Gain21 transformation selector.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: -8 - 7.96875
Default: 999
transformation22 : Gain22 transformation selector.
flags: readable, writable
Double. Range: -8 - 7.96875
Default: 999
On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 5:15 PM Thornton, Keith <keith.thornton at>
> I don’t have any Basler cameras. Do you need to set the output type by
> using another pylon command before starting the test-launch. Perhaps its
> default output is not 1280 x 1080. I see you have removed the framerate,
> what is the output of gst-inspect-1.0 for pylonsrc?
> *Von:* isshed <isshed.sip at>
> *Gesendet:* Montag, 20. April 2020 13:30
> *An:* Discussion of the development of and with GStreamer <
> gstreamer-devel at>; Thornton, Keith <
> keith.thornton at>
> *Betreff:* Re: gstreamer command Issue.
> Thanks Keith,
> Below are the errors.
> $ GST_DEBUG=2 ./test-launch "( pylonsrc width=1280 height=720 !
> videoconvert ! video/x-raw,format=I420 ! x264enc byte-stream=true !
> rtph264pay name=pay0 pt=96 )"
> stream ready at rtsp://
> <>
> While playing it on vlc the following errors
> 0:00:35.268115065 4644 0x7f41a8004a30 WARN videopool
> gstvideopool.c:216:video_buffer_pool_set_config:<videobufferpool0> no caps
> in config
> 0:00:35.276744685 4644 0x7f41a8004a30 WARN pylonsrc
> gstpylonsrc.c:1595:gst_pylonsrc_set_readout:<pylonsrc0> Camera does not
> support changing the readout mode.
> 0:00:54.862657314 4644 0x1fbe0a0 WARN rtspmedia
> rtsp-media.c:2573:wait_preroll: failed to preroll pipeline
> 0:00:54.862706926 4644 0x1fbe0a0 WARN rtspmedia
> rtsp-media.c:2877:gst_rtsp_media_prepare: failed to preroll pipeline
> 0:00:55.548970132 4644 0x1fbe0a0 ERROR rtspclient
> rtsp-client.c:763:find_media: client 0x21468f0: can't prepare media
> 0:00:55.549667369 4644 0x1fbe0a0 ERROR rtspclient
> rtsp-client.c:2288:handle_describe_request: client 0x21468f0: no media
> Thanks,
> Issac
> On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 4:45 PM Thornton, Keith <keith.thornton at>
> wrote:
> What happens if you add another videconvert immediately after the pylonsrc?
> *Von:* gstreamer-devel <gstreamer-devel-bounces at> *Im
> Auftrag von *isshed
> *Gesendet:* Montag, 20. April 2020 10:40
> *An:* Discussion of the development of and with GStreamer <
> gstreamer-devel at>; Yair Reshef <yair99 at>
> *Betreff:* Re: gstreamer command Issue.
> Also tried running the following command (removed gst-launch-1.0)..with
> this parsing errors gone. but still not working.
> $ * GST_DEBUG=2 ./test-launch "( pylonsrc ! video/x-raw, format=GRAY8,
> width=1280, height=720 ! videoconvert ! x264enc ! rtph264pay name=pay0
> pt=96 )"*
> stream ready at rtsp://
> <>
> x264 [error]: baseline profile doesn't support 4:4:4
> 0:00:03.879521603 31620 0x7f561c004a30 WARN x264enc
> gstx264enc.c:1541:gst_x264_enc_init_encoder:<x264enc0> Bad downstream
> profile name: baseline
> 0:00:03.892103447 31620 0x7f561c004a30 WARN videopool
> gstvideopool.c:216:video_buffer_pool_set_config:<videobufferpool0> no caps
> in config
> 0:00:03.899986085 31620 0x7f561c004a30 WARN pylonsrc
> gstpylonsrc.c:1595:gst_pylonsrc_set_readout:<pylonsrc0> Camera does not
> support changing the readout mode.
> 0:00:23.493638073 31620 0xc060a0 WARN rtspmedia
> rtsp-media.c:2573:wait_preroll: failed to preroll pipeline
> 0:00:23.493672656 31620 0xc060a0 WARN rtspmedia
> rtsp-media.c:2877:gst_rtsp_media_prepare: failed to preroll pipeline
> 0:00:24.201459226 31620 0xc060a0 ERROR rtspclient
> rtsp-client.c:763:find_media: client 0xd8e8f0: can't prepare media
> 0:00:24.202156373 31620 0xc060a0 ERROR rtspclient
> rtsp-client.c:2288:handle_describe_request: client 0xd8e8f0: no media
> Thanks,
> Issac
> On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 12:05 PM isshed <isshed.sip at> wrote:
> Also tried running the following command
> $ GST_DEBUG=2 ./test-launch "( gst-launch-1.0 pylonsrc ! video/x-raw,
> width=1280, height=720 ! identity silent=0 ! videoconvert ! identity
> silent=0 ! video/x-h264,profile=main ! identity silent=0 ! x264enc !
> identity silent=0 ! rtph264pay name=pay0 pt=96 )"
> stream ready at rtsp://
> <>
> 0:00:10.720084316 28224 0x12fa0a0 ERROR GST_PIPELINE
> grammar.y:777:priv_gst_parse_yyparse: unexpected reference "gst-launch-1" -
> ignoring
> 0:00:10.720133372 28224 0x12fa0a0 ERROR GST_PIPELINE
> grammar.y:783:priv_gst_parse_yyparse: unexpected pad-reference "0" -
> ignoring
> 0:00:10.743445534 28224 0x12fa0a0 ERROR GST_PIPELINE
> grammar.y:642:gst_parse_perform_link: could not link identity1 to identity2
> 0:00:10.743562588 28224 0x12fa0a0 WARN rtspmediafactory
> rtsp-media-factory.c:1317:default_create_element: recoverable parsing
> error: unexpected reference "gst-launch-1" - ignoring
> 0:00:11.142120603 28224 0x7f6218004a30 WARN pylonsrc
> gstpylonsrc.c:1595:gst_pylonsrc_set_readout:<pylonsrc0> Camera does not
> support changing the readout mode.
> 0:00:11.685482200 28224 0x7f6218004a30 WARN basesrc
> gstbasesrc.c:2948:gst_base_src_loop:<pylonsrc0> error: Internal data flow
> error.
> 0:00:11.685508724 28224 0x7f6218004a30 WARN basesrc
> gstbasesrc.c:2948:gst_base_src_loop:<pylonsrc0> error: streaming task
> paused, reason not-linked (-1)
> 0:00:11.685604481 28224 0x7f6220021050 WARN rtspmedia
> rtsp-media.c:2278:default_handle_message: 0x7f6220058200: got error
> Internal data flow error. (gstbasesrc.c(2948): gst_base_src_loop ():
> /GstPipeline:media-pipeline/GstBin:bin0/GstPylonSrc:pylonsrc0:
> streaming task paused, reason not-linked (-1))
> 0:00:11.685692254 28224 0x12fa0a0 WARN rtspmedia
> rtsp-media.c:2573:wait_preroll: failed to preroll pipeline
> 0:00:11.685716222 28224 0x12fa0a0 WARN rtspmedia
> rtsp-media.c:2877:gst_rtsp_media_prepare: failed to preroll pipeline
> 0:00:11.713962743 28224 0x12fa0a0 ERROR rtspclient
> rtsp-client.c:763:find_media: client 0x14828f0: can't prepare media
> 0:00:11.714727893 28224 0x12fa0a0 ERROR rtspclient
> rtsp-client.c:2288:handle_describe_request: client 0x14828f0: no media
> Thanks,
> Issac
> On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 11:36 AM isshed <isshed.sip at> wrote:
> Thanks Yair!
> Below is the command working fine
> # gst-launch-1.0 pylonsrc ! "video/x-raw, format=GRAY8, width=1280,
> height=720" ! identity silent=0 ! videoconvert ! autovideosink
> My goal is to run this command inside rtsp media server test-launch binary
> as I want to stream it on a webpage. But when I run this I am getting the
> following error while playing it in vlc player.
> # * ./test-launch "( gst-launch-1.0 pylonsrc ! video/x-raw,
> format=GRAY8, width=1280, height=720 ! identity silent=0 ! videoconvert !
> identity silent=0 ! x264enc ! identity silent=0 ! rtph264pay name=pay0
> pt=96 )"*
> stream ready at rtsp://
> <>
> -------- When I try to play the stream (rtsp://
> <>
> ) in vlc Below error happens ---------
> x264 [error]: baseline profile doesn't support 4:4:4
> x264 [error]: baseline profile doesn't support 4:4:4
> Thanks,
> Issac
> On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 4:00 PM Yair Reshef <yair99 at> wrote:
> note, GRAY8 is not supported in x264 (or RTP in general)
> so videoconvert will adapt it to another (RGBA), rtp/x264 compatible
> format.
> this might bite you if you plan to manipulate the GRAY8, as GRAY8,
> upstream.
> see
> gst-launch-1.0 -v videotestsrc !
> "video/x-raw,format=GRAY8,width=1280,height=720" ! videoflip
> method=vertical-flip ! identity silent=0 ! videoconvert ! identity
> silent=0 ! msdkh264enc ! identity silent=0 ! rtph264pay name=pay0
> pt=96 ! udpsink -v
> #from "camera"
> identity0: last-message = chain ******* (identity0:sink) (921600 bytes,
> ...
> #into decoder
> identity1: last-message = chain ******* (identity1:sink) (3768320 bytes,
> ...
> #after compression
> identity2: last-message = chain ******* (identity2:sink) (8389 bytes...
> On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 12:01 PM Yair Reshef <yair99 at> wrote:
> >
> > continued on
> <>
> > tldr:
> > gst-launch-1.0 -v videotestsrc !
> > "video/x-raw,format=GRAY8,width=1280,height=720,framerate=25/1" !
> > videoflip method=vertical-flip ! videoconvert ! x264enc ! rtph264pay
> > name=pay0 pt=96 ! udpsink
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 11:46 AM Yair Reshef <yair99 at> wrote:
> > >
> > > hi,
> > > 1. you are working on a unmaintained git. it has move to
> gst-plugins-vision
> > > 2. there is no udpsink in your pipeline end
> > > ! udpsink host= port=5000
> > > 3. start with a videotestsrc, check its working, then move to camera.
> > >
> > > On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 8:47 AM isshed <isshed.sip at> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Hi All,
> > > >
> > > > I am using a plugin pylonsrc (
> <>
> ).
> > > > Below is the command I am running, it is failing. Can you please
> tell me wha is the issue in the command. I want to generate rtsp stream
> from camera. This is a USB camera.
> > > >
> > > > harendra at ubuntu:~/$ gst-launch-1.0 -v pylonsrc height=720
> width=1280 fps=25 ! videoflip method=vertical-flip ! videoconvert ! x264enc
> ! rtph264pay name=pay0 pt=96
> > > >
> > > > Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
> > > > Pipeline is live and does not need PREROLL ...
> > > > Setting pipeline to PLAYING ...
> > > > New clock: GstSystemClock
> > > > /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstPylonSrc:pylonsrc0.GstPad:src: caps =
> "video/x-raw\,\ format\=\(string\)GRAY8\,\ width\=\(int\)1280\,\
> height\=\(int\)720\,\ framerate\=\(fraction\)30/1\,\
> pixel-aspect-ratio\=\(fraction\)1/1"
> > > > /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstVideoFlip:videoflip0.GstPad:src: caps =
> "video/x-raw\,\ format\=\(string\)GRAY8\,\ width\=\(int\)1280\,\
> height\=\(int\)720\,\ framerate\=\(fraction\)30/1\,\
> pixel-aspect-ratio\=\(fraction\)1/1"
> > > > /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstVideoConvert:videoconvert0.GstPad:src:
> caps = "video/x-raw\,\ width\=\(int\)1280\,\ height\=\(int\)720\,\
> framerate\=\(fraction\)30/1\,\ format\=\(string\)Y444\,\
> pixel-aspect-ratio\=\(fraction\)1/1"
> > > > /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstX264Enc:x264enc0.GstPad:sink: caps =
> "video/x-raw\,\ width\=\(int\)1280\,\ height\=\(int\)720\,\
> framerate\=\(fraction\)30/1\,\ format\=\(string\)Y444\,\
> pixel-aspect-ratio\=\(fraction\)1/1"
> > > > Redistribute latency...
> > > > /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstVideoConvert:videoconvert0.GstPad:sink:
> caps = "video/x-raw\,\ format\=\(string\)GRAY8\,\ width\=\(int\)1280\,\
> height\=\(int\)720\,\ framerate\=\(fraction\)30/1\,\
> pixel-aspect-ratio\=\(fraction\)1/1"
> > > > /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstVideoFlip:videoflip0.GstPad:sink: caps =
> "video/x-raw\,\ format\=\(string\)GRAY8\,\ width\=\(int\)1280\,\
> height\=\(int\)720\,\ framerate\=\(fraction\)30/1\,\
> pixel-aspect-ratio\=\(fraction\)1/1"
> > > > /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstX264Enc:x264enc0.GstPad:src: caps =
> "video/x-h264\,\
> codec_data\=\(buffer\)01f4001fffe1001a67f4001f919b280a00b76022000003000200000300791e30632c01000668ebec448440\,\
> stream-format\=\(string\)avc\,\ alignment\=\(string\)au\,\
> level\=\(string\)3.1\,\ profile\=\(string\)high-4:4:4\,\
> width\=\(int\)1280\,\ height\=\(int\)720\,\
> pixel-aspect-ratio\=\(fraction\)1/1\,\ framerate\=\(fraction\)30/1"
> > > > /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstRtpH264Pay:pay0.GstPad:src: caps =
> "application/x-rtp\,\ media\=\(string\)video\,\ clock-rate\=\(int\)90000\,\
> encoding-name\=\(string\)H264\,\ packetization-mode\=\(string\)1\,\
> profile-level-id\=\(string\)f4001f\,\
> sprop-parameter-sets\=\(string\)\"Z/QAH5GbKAoAt2AiAAADAAIAAAMAeR4wYyw\\\=\\\,aOvsRIRA\"\,\
> payload\=\(int\)96\,\ ssrc\=\(uint\)277528337\,\
> timestamp-offset\=\(uint\)153824638\,\ seqnum-offset\=\(uint\)11049\,\
> a-framerate\=\(string\)30"
> > > > /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstRtpH264Pay:pay0.GstPad:sink: caps =
> "video/x-h264\,\
> codec_data\=\(buffer\)01f4001fffe1001a67f4001f919b280a00b76022000003000200000300791e30632c01000668ebec448440\,\
> stream-format\=\(string\)avc\,\ alignment\=\(string\)au\,\
> level\=\(string\)3.1\,\ profile\=\(string\)high-4:4:4\,\
> width\=\(int\)1280\,\ height\=\(int\)720\,\
> pixel-aspect-ratio\=\(fraction\)1/1\,\ framerate\=\(fraction\)30/1"
> > > > /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstRtpH264Pay:pay0: timestamp = 153847583
> > > > /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstRtpH264Pay:pay0: seqnum = 11049
> > > > ERROR: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstPylonSrc:pylonsrc0:
> Internal data flow error.
> > > > Additional debug info:
> > > > gstbasesrc.c(2948): gst_base_src_loop ():
> /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstPylonSrc:pylonsrc0:
> > > > streaming task paused, reason not-linked (-1)
> > > > Execution ended after 0:00:10.726250733
> > > > Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
> > > > Setting pipeline to READY ...
> > > > Setting pipeline to NULL ...
> > > > Freeing pipeline ...
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Thanks,
> > > > Issac
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