displaying format=(string)GRAY8 on ximagesink

Erik Rull erik.rull at rdsoftware.de
Wed Apr 22 17:02:35 UTC 2020

Hi all,

I was struggling with some shm src / sink issues and found out that the
ximagesink sink does not seem to support 8 bit gray images.

What do I have to do to get the video displayed?
I see that the frames are there due to a identity that I check for arriving items...

If I convert everything to BGRx I get the frames. But I don't want to waste that
much bandwidth. Also several videoconverts before it do not help.

The section of the pipeline looks like this:

shmsrc socket-path=/tmp/pad_shm is-live=1 !
! videoconvert  ! identity name=identity ! ximagesink max-lateness=500000000

the part before comes from an appsrc which generates proper 8 bit frames:
appsrc name=src stream-type=0 is-live=1 max-bytes=10000000
caps=video/x-raw,format=(string)GRAY8,framerate=8/1,width=401,height=404 !
shmsink render-delay=0 socket-path=/tmp/pad_shm shm-size=10000000
wait-for-connection=0 max-lateness=500000000 buffer-time=0

Any ideas?

Best regards,


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