Help: I'm trying to play a video with gstreamer in a `winit` window (my application's window), but it opens a new window instead

Sebastian Dröge sebastian at
Fri Dec 18 09:30:05 UTC 2020

On Fri, 2020-12-18 at 02:43 -0600, Eds Savage wrote:
> this is the repository of my project
> at line 51 of calls "start_gstreamer"
> in line 308 of the same file "set_window_handle" is called,
> I don't know if I'm doing something wrong but it's opening the video
> in a new window, has anyone used a `winit` window to play a gstreamer
> video?

I can't try it here as it only works on Windows, but that looks like it
should work if the handle that is passed there is an actual window
You set it on playbin before the pipeline starts, which should work

Can you provide a debug log with GST_DEBUG=6? Maybe that gives some
more information why it doesn't want to use your provided handle.

Also (unrelated) you're doing bus.remove_signal_watch() right after
starting the pipeline. That means you will not get any messages on the
bus after that anymore, and will certainly never get an EOS message
because that will happen much later.

Sebastian Dröge, Centricular Ltd ·

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