Help: I'm trying to play a video with gstreamer in a `winit` window (my application's window), but it opens a new window instead

Sebastian Dröge sebastian at
Sun Dec 20 10:06:03 UTC 2020

On Sat, 2020-12-19 at 18:44 -0600, Eds Savage wrote:
>  debug.txt
> This is the debug output, I only ran it for less than 5 minutes but
> let me know if you require me to run it for a longer period.

This is a bug in d3d11videosink. It's already expecting the window
handle to be set before reaching READY state, while it should wait
until PAUSED.

playbin is creating d3d11videosink, setting its state to READY and only
if that doesn't fail it is adding it to itself and would be able to set
the window handle.
But at that point d3d11videosink expects the window handle to be set
already, so instead it created its own window.

 which I just created about that.

Sebastian Dröge, Centricular Ltd ·

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