Playing udp stream in VLC issue

jles jlesquer at
Thu Jan 30 17:22:53 UTC 2020


I'm trying to play in VLC the next gstreamer pipeline form:

appsrc -> omxh264 -> h264parser -> mpegtsmux -> udpsink
In order to play it in VLC I setup the network stream source to:

The VLC only plays the video following the next sequence:

- Start VLC player and open network connection, (remains on waiting status).

- Start/play the gstreamer pipeline.

But if I try the other way around, i.e. start first the gstreamer pipeline
and after launch VLC, it is not able to display the incoming udp video

Ideally I need to play/start the gstreamer udp stream and open VLC any time
I need to play/see the video.

Does anyone have any idea/clue why it's behaving like this?

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