Wayland VAAPI without monitor

Frederic Turmel fturmel at netflix.com
Wed Jul 1 19:48:16 UTC 2020

Hi, our application is leveraging VAAPI x264 encode and also has the
requirement that a monitor may or may not be connected to the GPU output.

When no display is connected with wayland the VAAPI plugging fail during
init with this error and fail to initialized vaapih264enc:

*:00:00.003987000 26531 0x564aa0e27b20 ERROR           vaapidisplay
gstvaapidisplay_wayland.c:150:gst_vaapi_display_wayland_setup: failed to
determine the display size0:00:00.004037000 26531 0x564aa0e27b20 ERROR
           default gstvaapi.c:239:plugin_init: Cannot create a VA display*

We do not see this problem when using X output.

Example to repro when running in SSH remote session:
XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp/.Xweston/\:0 gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc
num-buffers=1000 ! vaapih264enc ! fakesink --gst-debug=vaapidisplay:5

XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp/.Xweston/\:0 gst-inspect-1.0 vaapi
gst-instpect vaapi will report 0 features. which is expected since the init
of vaapi fails

We are using Weston on ubuntu 18  This could be a bug in the vaapi init
plugin or we are missing something in our system/weston config?

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