Cross compilation of GStreamer in Ubuntu docker container resulting in not all subprojects being built
Matthew Waters
ystreet00 at
Sun Jul 19 15:21:50 UTC 2020
You also need to be careful with constructing all of the necessary paths
and environment variables so that no system libraries are found and that
your custom build versions are found instead.
contains a non-exhaustive list. There are also platform-specific
configurations that may modify some of those values: e.g. for windows:
and then there may be recipe-specific workarounds, e.g. for openssl:
Generally we would recommend the cerbero route as it tries takes care of
all of this for you. If something doesn't work, we can attempt to fix it.
On 20/7/20 1:05 am, Ben Rush wrote:
> I see, yes. That's a distinct possibility given the fact my docker
> container has libnice-dev, which made it in on accident. However,
> what's odd is that I did do a cross build of openssl as part of the
> docker container. Is this not enough?
> RUN git clone && \
> cd openssl && \
> ./Configure --cross-compile-prefix=x86_64-w64-mingw32- mingw64 && \
> make && \
> make install
> All of this ran before any of the output I mentioned above.
> On Sun, Jul 19, 2020 at 10:03 AM Matthew Waters <ystreet00 at
> <mailto:ystreet00 at>> wrote:
> You need to have a cross-build of openssl or gnutls to be able to
> build libnice.
> I assume that the 'pkg-config --version openssl' is only showing
> you the system versions which would be built for linux, not mingw.
> On 20/7/20 12:16 am, Ben Rush wrote:
>> In particular, I'm having trouble getting the webrtc library to
>> build, and it appears as though -- if I track it back far
>> enough -- the issue is with libnice. The meson build output
>> results in the output at the end of this email (I'll defer
>> posting it now to make the email reading easier).
>> According to the error, the problem is that pkg-config is unable
>> to find openssl. But running this at the command prompt (after
>> attaching to the container), results in what appears to be a
>> positive for finding openssl:
>> root at b5f46e708137:/gst-build# pkg-config --version openssl
>> 0.29.1
>> Ultimately I'm curious if someone has been able to build webrtc
>> and the like cross compiled for Windows from Ubuntu, etc. I'd
>> love to have a nice, dockerized system for building for Windows
>> but after about day of fighting, I've yet to get it to work
>> completely.
>> Here is the output:
>> |Executing subproject libnice method meson
>> |
>> |Project name: libnice
>> |Project version:
>> |C compiler for the build machine: cc (gcc 7.5.0 "cc (Ubuntu
>> 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) 7.5.0")
>> |C linker for the build machine: cc ld.bfd 2.30
>> |C compiler for the host machine: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (gcc
>> 7.3.0 "x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 7.3-win32 20180312")
>> |C linker for the host machine: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc ld.bfd 2.30
>> |Library iphlpapi found: YES
>> |Library ws2_32 found: YES
>> |Checking for function "clock_gettime" : NO (cached)
>> |Library rt found: NO
>> |Checking for function "clock_gettime" with dependency -lrt: NO
>> (cached)
>> |Has header "arpa/inet.h" : NO (cached)
>> |Has header "net/in.h" : NO
>> |Has header "netdb.h" : NO (cached)
>> |Has header "ifaddrs.h" : NO
>> |Has header "unistd.h" : YES (cached)
>> |Checking for function "poll" : NO (cached)
>> |Checking for function "getifaddrs" : NO
>> |Compiler for C supports arguments -fno-strict-aliasing: YES
>> |Message: warning level: 1
>> |Message: werror enabled: false
>> |Dependency gio-2.0 found: YES 2.62.6 (cached)
>> |Dependency (anonymous) from subproject subprojects/glib found:
>> YES 2.62.6
>> |Dependency (anonymous) from subproject subprojects/glib found:
>> YES 2.62.6
>> |Dependency (anonymous) from subproject subprojects/glib found:
>> YES 2.62.6
>> |Dependency gthread-2.0 from subproject subprojects/glib found:
>> YES 2.62.6
>> |Message: Crypto library requested: auto
>> |Run-time dependency gnutls found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
>> |Run-time dependency openssl found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
>> |Looking for a fallback subproject for the dependency openssl
>> |Subproject directory not found and openssl.wrap file not found
>> |Subproject subprojects/openssl is buildable: NO (disabling)
>> |Dependency openssl from subproject subprojects/openssl found: NO
>> |Library crypto found: NO
>> |Library eay32 found: NO
>> |
>> |subprojects/libnice/ Exception: Problem
>> encountered: Either GnuTLS or OpenSSL is required as crypto
>> library, but neither was found
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