Cross compilation of GStreamer in Ubuntu docker container resulting in not all subprojects being built

Matthew Waters ystreet00 at
Tue Jul 21 02:33:25 UTC 2020

Yes, for non-linux platforms.  It doesn't mean that gst-build can't do
it, just that gst-build requires more setup and is not as regularly
tested for this case :).

We do have a docker-based CI for the cross-mingw cases already that you
may want to borrow:


On 20/7/20 2:11 am, Ben Rush wrote:
> I see, so -- you technically do a lot of your dev work using cerbero
> too? You're the expert, so I'll follow your lead. 
> FYI: once I get this working and am able to do a cross-compile build
> of all the components (and in particular, webrtcbin), I'm going to
> respond to this thread with my dockerfile so that it's reproducible
> for posterity's sake. 
> Cheers. 
> On Sun, Jul 19, 2020 at 10:51 AM Matthew Waters <ystreet00 at
> <mailto:ystreet00 at>> wrote:
>     That's cool!  We'd love to see those improvements/suggestions.
>     It is possible to develop with cerbero however the required steps
>     are a little bit more involved.
>     For branches that track git (all GStreamer recipes and some
>     others), what I personally do is push a branch to the cerbero
>     local sources of the specific project (on linux by default is at
>     '$HOME/.cache/cerbero-sources/$project').  './cerbero-uninstalled
>     show-config' will tell you exactly where.
>     Then either, change the branch in the recipe, or add a
>     '$HOME/.cerbero/cerbero.cfg' file (python syntax) with something
>     like the following (where the values are a git commit reference,
>     branch names in this case).
>     ```
>     recipes_commits = {
>     #  "libusrsctp" : "hang-fix",
>       "gst-plugins-base-1.0" : "egl-display-debug-cat",
>     #  "gstreamer-1.0" : "fail",
>       "gst-plugins-bad-1.0" : "amcvideodec-gl-sync-meta-copy",
>     #  "gst-validate" : "android",
>     #  "gst-editing-services-1.0" : "android",
>     }
>     ```
>     For tarball-based sources, creating a patch in the local sources
>     directory and then adding the patch to the recipe is usually the
>     goto move.
>     Cheers
>     -Matt
>     On 20/7/20 1:33 am, Ben Rush wrote:
>>     Thanks. I will take a look at your suggestions. 
>>     On the Cerbero v. meson front: my company relies on windows a
>>     lot, and so I'm doing a lot of use of GStreamer on Windows. I've
>>     got a lot of suggestions / tweaks / etc. that I'd love to be able
>>     to contribute to the project to better help people such as myself
>>     who are doing things exclusively on Windows. It's my
>>     understanding that cerbero is best for building what's in master,
>>     but that if I want to do any sort of rapid iteration / testing,
>>     meson is the route to go. So, that's my driving force. 
>>     And thanks again, mate. Your work on everything is appreciated by
>>     a lot of people. 
>>     On Sun, Jul 19, 2020 at 10:21 AM Matthew Waters
>>     <ystreet00 at <mailto:ystreet00 at>> wrote:
>>         You also need to be careful with constructing all of the
>>         necessary paths and environment variables so that no system
>>         libraries are found and that your custom build versions are
>>         found instead. 
>>         contains a non-exhaustive list.  There are also
>>         platform-specific configurations that may modify some of
>>         those values: e.g. for windows:
>>         and then there may be recipe-specific workarounds, e.g. for
>>         openssl:
>>         Generally we would recommend the cerbero route as it tries
>>         takes care of all of this for you.  If something doesn't
>>         work, we can attempt to fix it.
>>         On 20/7/20 1:05 am, Ben Rush wrote:
>>>         I see, yes. That's a distinct possibility given the fact my
>>>         docker container has libnice-dev, which made it in on
>>>         accident. However, what's odd is that I did do a cross build
>>>         of openssl as part of the docker container. Is this not enough? 
>>>         RUN git clone && \
>>>         cd openssl && \
>>>         ./Configure --cross-compile-prefix=x86_64-w64-mingw32-
>>>         mingw64 && \
>>>         make && \
>>>         make install
>>>         All of this ran before any of the output I mentioned above. 
>>>         On Sun, Jul 19, 2020 at 10:03 AM Matthew Waters
>>>         <ystreet00 at <mailto:ystreet00 at>> wrote:
>>>             You need to have a cross-build of openssl or gnutls to
>>>             be able to build libnice.
>>>             I assume that the 'pkg-config --version openssl' is only
>>>             showing you the system versions which would be built for
>>>             linux, not mingw.
>>>             On 20/7/20 12:16 am, Ben Rush wrote:
>>>>             In particular, I'm having trouble getting the webrtc
>>>>             library to build, and it appears as though -- if I
>>>>             track it back far enough -- the issue is with libnice.
>>>>             The meson build output results in the output at the end
>>>>             of this email (I'll defer posting it now to make the
>>>>             email reading easier). 
>>>>             According to the error, the problem is that pkg-config
>>>>             is unable to find openssl. But running this at the
>>>>             command prompt (after attaching to the container),
>>>>             results in what appears to be a positive for finding
>>>>             openssl: 
>>>>             root at b5f46e708137:/gst-build# pkg-config --version openssl
>>>>             0.29.1
>>>>             Ultimately I'm curious if someone has been able to
>>>>             build webrtc and the like cross compiled for Windows
>>>>             from Ubuntu, etc. I'd love to have a nice, dockerized
>>>>             system for building for Windows but after about day of
>>>>             fighting, I've yet to get it to work completely. 
>>>>             Here is the output: 
>>>>             |Executing subproject libnice method meson
>>>>             |
>>>>             |Project name: libnice
>>>>             |Project version:
>>>>             |C compiler for the build machine: cc (gcc 7.5.0 "cc
>>>>             (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) 7.5.0")
>>>>             |C linker for the build machine: cc ld.bfd 2.30
>>>>             |C compiler for the host machine:
>>>>             x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (gcc 7.3.0
>>>>             "x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 7.3-win32 20180312")
>>>>             |C linker for the host machine: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc
>>>>             ld.bfd 2.30
>>>>             |Library iphlpapi found: YES
>>>>             |Library ws2_32 found: YES
>>>>             |Checking for function "clock_gettime" : NO (cached)
>>>>             |Library rt found: NO
>>>>             |Checking for function "clock_gettime" with dependency
>>>>             -lrt: NO (cached)
>>>>             |Has header "arpa/inet.h" : NO (cached)
>>>>             |Has header "net/in.h" : NO
>>>>             |Has header "netdb.h" : NO (cached)
>>>>             |Has header "ifaddrs.h" : NO
>>>>             |Has header "unistd.h" : YES (cached)
>>>>             |Checking for function "poll" : NO (cached)
>>>>             |Checking for function "getifaddrs" : NO
>>>>             |Compiler for C supports arguments
>>>>             -fno-strict-aliasing: YES
>>>>             |Message: warning level: 1
>>>>             |Message: werror enabled: false
>>>>             |Dependency gio-2.0 found: YES 2.62.6 (cached)
>>>>             |Dependency (anonymous) from subproject
>>>>             subprojects/glib found: YES 2.62.6
>>>>             |Dependency (anonymous) from subproject
>>>>             subprojects/glib found: YES 2.62.6
>>>>             |Dependency (anonymous) from subproject
>>>>             subprojects/glib found: YES 2.62.6
>>>>             |Dependency gthread-2.0 from subproject
>>>>             subprojects/glib found: YES 2.62.6
>>>>             |Message: Crypto library requested: auto
>>>>             |Run-time dependency gnutls found: NO (tried pkgconfig
>>>>             and cmake)
>>>>             |Run-time dependency openssl found: NO (tried pkgconfig
>>>>             and cmake)
>>>>             |Looking for a fallback subproject for the dependency
>>>>             openssl
>>>>             |Subproject directory not found and openssl.wrap file
>>>>             not found
>>>>             |Subproject  subprojects/openssl is buildable: NO
>>>>             (disabling)
>>>>             |Dependency openssl from subproject subprojects/openssl
>>>>             found: NO
>>>>             |Library crypto found: NO
>>>>             |Library eay32 found: NO
>>>>             |
>>>>             |subprojects/libnice/ Exception:
>>>>             Problem encountered: Either GnuTLS or OpenSSL is
>>>>             required as crypto library, but neither was found
>>>>             _______________________________________________
>>>>             gstreamer-devel mailing list
>>>>             gstreamer-devel at <mailto:gstreamer-devel at>

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