Querying framerate in Python

joseph joseph.celi at jci.com
Tue Jul 21 20:45:09 UTC 2020

I'm trying to query the framerate from a simple Python gstreamer script and
seeing the following error

TypeError: unknown type GstFraction

I'm getting the same error on Ubuntu and Mac.  Here is the code snippet
attempting to get the framerate

    def get_frame_res(self, sample):
        caps_format = sample.get_caps().get_structure(0)
        frmt_str = caps_format.get_value('format')
        video_format = GstVideo.VideoFormat.from_string(frmt_str)
        width = caps_format.get_value('width')
        height = caps_format.get_value('height')
        fps = caps_format.get_value('framerate')
        return width, height, fps

The above method is called from my on_buffer method when I receive the first

def on_buffer(self, sink: GstApp.AppSink, data: typ.Any) -> Gst.FlowReturn:
        sample = sink.emit("pull-sample")
        if self.frame_num == 0:
            w, h, fps = self.get_frame_res(sample)
            print("width::height::fps == {}:{}".format(w,h,fps))

I have read through a lot of posts about installing the correct version of
python-gst but nothing was able to allow me to get past the TypeError for
(ex. sudo apt-get install python-gst-1.0)

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