webrtcdsp and webrtcechoprobe on Windows

Attila kocsisa01 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 18 21:29:19 UTC 2020

Thanks for your suggestions Nicolas! I have made some changes based on them,
but I still have problems.

First a general question: I have only one audio channel (recording from the
webcam). What does converting from interleaved to non-interleaved does in
this context?

After swithching to floats for the dsp and removing the queue, my local echo
loop now works reasonably well on one computer (not perfect but it's
definitely cutting out most echoes). However when I tried on another less
powerful but still modern laptop it sounded like an echo chamber. The script
looks like this now:

wasapisrc buffer-time=60000 ! audioconvert ! audio/x-raw,
layout=non-interleaved ! webrtcdsp noise-suppression-level=high
echo-suppression-level=high ! audioconvert ! webrtcechoprobe ! audioconvert
! wasapisink low-latency=true

For my complete script below, I now use floats for the dsp and moved the
queue after it. This is also an echo chamber, but since one of the computers
I'm using doesn't work with the local loop, this might be expected...

  wasapisrc buffer-time=60000 ! audioconvert ! audio/x-raw,
layout=non-interleaved ! webrtcdsp noise-suppression-level=high
    ! queue ! audioconvert ! audio/x-raw, format=S16LE ! opusenc
audio-type=2048 bitrate=24000 inband-fec=true packet-loss-percentage=5 !
rtpopuspay ^
    ! udpsink host= port=7480 async=FALSE ^
  udpsrc port=7480 caps="application/x-rtp, ssrc=(uint)1537893241,
payload=(int)96, channels=1, clock-rate=48000" ^
    ! rtpjitterbuffer latency=10 ! rtpopusdepay ! opusdec plc=true
use-inband-fec=true  ! audioconvert ! audio/x-raw, format=F32LE,
layout=non-interleaved, rate=48000 ! webrtcechoprobe ^
    ! audioconvert ! wasapisink low-latency=true

Also, while it does not seem to affect actual operation, the above pipeline
generates a lot of the following errors. Any idea what this is?

** (gst-launch-1.0:10236): CRITICAL **: 16:51:58.551: the GstAudioInfo
argument is not equal to the GstAudioMeta's attached info


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