transcoding from mpegts to h264

vandanachadha vandanachadha at
Wed Mar 4 05:15:33 UTC 2020

I get the following error when I tried the command you gave:
WARNING: erroneous pipeline: no element "mpegtsdemux"

What has worked so far:
gst-launch-1.0  --gst-debug-level=3 dvbsrc  modulation="QAM 256"
frequency=147000000  \
! decodebin name=demux demux. \
! queue \
! audioresample \
! audioconvert \
! voaacenc \
! mux. mpegtsmux name=mux \
! udpsink host= port=10912 demux. \
! queue \
! videoconvert \
! videoscale \
! x264enc bitrate=1258 tune=zerolatency \
! video/x-h264,stream-format=byte-stream,profile=high,width=720,height=480 \
! mux.

Do you see anything amiss here? It does give me a stream, though it jumps
sometimes, and I get the following errors in the logs:
WARN                  dvbsrc
gstdvbsrc.c:1897:gst_dvbsrc_read_device:<dvbsrc0> Unable to read from
device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 (75)
0:00:07.809897228 13439 0x55eaa28ab720 WARN                 tsdemux
tsdemux.c:2359:gst_ts_demux_queue_data: CONTINUITY: Mismatch packet 13,
stream 4
0:00:07.810198989 13439 0x55eaa28ab720 WARN                 tsdemux
tsdemux.c:2359:gst_ts_demux_queue_data: CONTINUITY: Mismatch packet 14,
stream 12
0:00:08.803343964 13439 0x7f0f54054770 WARN            videodecoder
decreasing timestamp (0:00:07.070546339 < 0:00:07.470939627)
0:00:11.758662067 13439 0x55eaa28ab720 WARN                  dvbsrc
gstdvbsrc.c:1897:gst_dvbsrc_read_device:<dvbsrc0> Unable to read from
device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 (75)
0:00:12.616993281 13439 0x7f0f540c9100 ERROR                  libav :0::
ac-tex damaged at 23 9
0:00:12.618704636 13439 0x7f0f54054770 ERROR                  libav :0::
Warning MVs not available

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