Question: Webcam/Mic muxing and demuxing over network

Jeka Pats jeka at
Wed Mar 25 18:44:43 UTC 2020

Hey Team,

I'm trying to mux webcam and microphone into a container that I can stream
over network (grpc) and demux on the other side.

This is the pipeline that I have on the client side:

autovideosrc ! queue ! videoconvert ! m.
autoaudiosrc ! queue ! audioconvert ! m.
qtmux faststart=true streamable=true name=m ! appsink name=app-sink

I'm trying to send programmatically the data from the appsink to the server
which has the following pipeline:

appsrc name=appsrc ! qtdemux name=demuxer
demuxer.video_0 ! queue ! decodebin ! videoconvert ! videorate ! videoflip
video-direction=auto ! video/x-raw,format=BGR,framerate=25/1 ! queue !
appsink name=video-sink sync=true max-buffers=10
demuxer.audio_0 ! queue ! decodebin ! audioconvert ! audioresample !
audiobuffersplit output-buffer-duration=1/25 !
audio/x-raw,format=S16LE,rate=16000,channels=1 ! queue ! appsink
name=audio-sink sync=true max-buffers=10

For some reason looks like the pipeline on the client side is stuck and I'm
not seeing any data at the appsink element. Any idea what might be wrong
with the pipeline? when I change qtmux to matroskamux things start working
on the client side but then I'm having trouble with the serverside (even if
I'm changing qtdemux to matroskademux).

Help would be much appreciated.

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