webrtcbin: end of remote candidates

Bizarre Days daysbizarre at gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 14:38:10 UTC 2020

When Firefox browser wants to send candidates to the webrtcbin peer, it
calls a custom js method passing an "event" argument to it. The custom
method must send this information to the peer. The event has a single field
"event.candidate" with a value as:

event.candidate = { "sdpMLineIndex":0,"
  "candidate":"candidate:8 2 TCP 847249918 9 typ srflx raddr rport 9 tcptype active"}

At the end, to inform there are no more candidates, Firefox does another
call to the same method with event.candidate=undefined

In the other side, webrtcbin (Java API) offers the method
"WebRTCBin.addIceCandiate( int sdpM. String candidate ) to inform the
plugin about the remote candidates. In the normal case is easy map firefox
event.candidate information to these arguments. However, no idea of to
handle the end one.

A call WebRTCBin.addIceCandidate(0, null) produces an assertion failed in
libnice (when its trace is active).

*How to handle in WebRTCBin (Java API) the case of final remote candidate ?*

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