How to debug Gstreamer on Windows
Daniel Sperka
djsperka at
Mon Mar 30 17:27:17 UTC 2020
I made an attempt at migrating my build on windows to MINGW, but gave up
for reasons I cannot remember.
I've wrestled with it, but have stuck with MSVC in my Qt+gstreamer
application. One issue I ran into that sounds similar to what yours is had
to do with the scanner running at startup. It searches a hard-coded path,
but if I use an embedded gstreamer lib I had to set some env variables.
Here is a portion of my code - the usage is a bit messy and intertwined
with other stuff.
In my app, I distribute gstreamer libs with the application using the *.msm
modules. The directory structure is slightly different on mac/windows. (I
chose not to require a full gstreamer installation when installing my
application). I had various issues until I got these env vars sorted out -
my code defines these env vars relative to the location of the exe file,
and the msm files are installed in a subfolder of the file the exe is in.
I distribute a plugin for drawing on a Qt widget (pulled it out of old
Qt-Gstreamer dist). I put that plugin into the GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH
folder with the official ones rather than create another folder for my
plugins, so I do not define GST_PLUGIN_PATH here.
// Initialize gstreamer
// Debug builds (HABIT_DEBUG) use system-defined gstreamer libs.
// Release builds (HABIT_RELEASE) _can_ use the system-installed (whatever
we link against) gstreamer libs,
// but the -n flag tells us to run as NOT installed.
// When running "installed", we assume that the gstreamer framework is
embedded in the bundle, and we set two
// env variables to point that direction:
// GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH - where gstreamer finds plugins. Note that I
stick the gst-qt plugin there.
// GIO_EXTRA_MODULES - some glib thing
// GST_PLUGIN_SCANNER - scanner checks local plugin cache??
*if* (bNotInstalled)
qDebug() << "Run as NOT installed, exe file is " << argv[0];
qDebug() << "Run installed, exe file is " << argv[0];
qDebug() << "exePath " << QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath();
QDir dirScanner(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath());
QString sRelPathToScanner;
QString sRelPathToSystemPlugins;
QString sRelPathToGioModules;
*#if* defined(Q_OS_MAC)
sRelPathToScanner = "../Frameworks/GStreamer.framework/Versions/1.0/libexec/
sRelPathToSystemPlugins = "../Frameworks/GStreamer.framework/Versions/1.0/
sRelPathToGioModules = "../Frameworks/GStreamer.framework/Versions/1.0/lib/
sRelPathToScanner = "gstreamer-1.0/libexec/gstreamer-1.0";
sRelPathToSystemPlugins = "gstreamer-1.0/lib/gstreamer-1.0";
sRelPathToGioModules = "gstreamer-1.0/lib/gio/modules";
*if* (dirScanner.*cd*(sRelPathToScanner))
qDebug() << "Set GST_PLUGIN_SCANNER=" << dirScanner.*filePath*("gst-plugin
*qputenv*("GST_PLUGIN_SCANNER", dirScanner.*filePath*("gst-plugin-scanner").
qCritical() << "Cannot navigate to relative scanner path " <<
sRelPathToScanner << " from exePath ";
QDir dirPlugins(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath());
*if* (dirPlugins.*cd*(sRelPathToSystemPlugins))
qDebug() << "Set GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH=" << dirPlugins.*path*();
*qputenv*("GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH", dirPlugins.*path*().*toLocal8Bit*());
qCritical() << "Cannot navigate to relative system plugin path " <<
QDir dirGio(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath());
*if* (dirGio.*cd*(sRelPathToGioModules))
qDebug() << "Set GIO_EXTRA_MODULES=" << dirGio.*path*();
*qputenv*("GIO_EXTRA_MODULES", dirGio.*path*().*toLocal8Bit*());
qCritical() << "Cannot navigate to relative gio module folder " <<
*#ifdef* Q_OS_WIN
QString sRelPathToHabitPlugins("gstreamer-plugins");
QDir dirHabitPlugins(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath());
*if* (
qDebug() << "Set GST_PLUGIN_PATH=" << dirHabitPlugins.path();
qputenv("GST_PLUGIN_PATH", dirHabitPlugins.path().toLocal8Bit());
qCritical() << "Cannot navigate to relative Habit plugin path " <<
// Initialize gstreamer
qDebug() << "Initialize gstreamer...";
*gst_init*(&argc, &argv);
qDebug() << "Initialize gstreamer...Done.";
On Mon, Mar 30, 2020 at 9:28 AM David Ing <ding at> wrote:
> FWIW -- The mingw binaries are built with a very old toolchain:
> On Mon, Mar 30, 2020 at 8:59 AM erikherz <erik at> wrote:
>> David,
>> I will try out this code too ... assuming that simply putting all of the
>> plugins in the same directory is not sufficient.
>> Thank you!
>> Erik
>> --
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Daniel J. Sperka, Ph. D.
UC Davis Center for Neuroscience
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