Muxing klv metadata with splitmuxsink

cbourget charlesbourget657 at
Wed Oct 28 13:08:28 UTC 2020

Hi there,

I'm trying to develop a pipeline which could mux a metadata stream (klv) and
a video stream into multiple mpeg video file.
For the moment I have the following working pipeline which uses mpegtsmux
and filesink :

gst-launch-1.0 udpsrc uri=udp:// ! application/x-rtp,
enconding-name=H264, payload=96 ! rtph264depay !\
muxer. udpsrc uri=udp:// ! meta/x-klv ! muxer. mpegtsmux
name=muxer ! filesink location=test.mpg

This pipeline works perfectly but I also need the extra functonnality
provided by the splitmuxsink element.
But as far as I know this element does not seem to handle klv metadata.
Nonetheless I tried the following pipeline :

gst-launch-1.0 udpsrc uri=udp:// ! application/x-rtp,
enconding-name=H264, payload=96 ! rtph264depay !\
muxer. udpsrc uri=udp:// ! meta/x-klv !\
muxer. splitmuxsink muxer=mpegtsmux name=muxer sink=filesink
location=test-%05d.mpg max-size-bytes=104857600 async-handling=true
mux-overhead=0.05 message-forward=true

But when I run this pipeline I get the following error : 
WARNING: erroneous pipeline: could not link udpsrc1 to muxer with caps

Is there a way to link the udpsrc for metadata to the muxer in the

Thanks in advance for all suggestions!

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