Issue: Receive rtsp stream then re-stream as rtsp and play at the same time

Michael Macintosh mmacintosh at
Tue Apr 13 21:13:39 UTC 2021

I think you might need an RTP Payloader between your jpeg encoder and 
your rtspclientsink.  I've never used the rtspclientsink though, and I'm 
not sure what it does.  You probably want to look at the RTSP Server 
code / tests to re-stream a stream to multiple clients.  Or look into 
just using RTP.

Also streaming jpegs at a high frame rate might be really laggy.

On 4/13/2021 8:31 AM, Thirumoorthy Ganesan wrote:
> Hi Team,
> We tried to execute Gstreamer pipeline in Android for both play and 
> restream at same time from rtspsrc but only play is working but unable 
> to restream to rtspclientsink. Please find below our pipelink example 
> for your reference.
> rtspsrc location=rtsp:// 
> <> latency=0 name=src src. \
> ! decodebin ! videoconvert ! autovideosink src. ! videoconvert ! jpegenc \
> ! rtspclientsink location=rtsp://serverip
> Please help us, How to do it below statement a single pipeline.
> **Receive rtsp stream then re-stream as rtsp and play at the same time*
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