Enable RTSP Digest Authentication With Gstreamer

Dwight Kulkarni dwight at realtime-7.com
Tue Aug 31 14:19:21 UTC 2021

Hi Michael and everyone,

Thank you for that info. When reviewing the referenced code snippet, I had
two questions

1) *gst_rtsp_media_factory_add_role* (this->factory, user_name,

What is the difference between: *GST_RTSP_PERM_MEDIA_FACTORY_ACCESS*  and

When I checked the docs, both said FALSE will return a 404 error when
trying to access the media. In the code, it appears to setup some users

2)  After the roles are added if the user access changes. For example a
user is removed or their password updated, I could not find a way to remove
the user.

For example the code calls two functions to create the user and set the
password, I wanted the opposite to undo this.

//set the user
*gst_rtsp_media_factory_add_role( ... )*  ->
.. )*
*gst_rtsp_auth_add_digest  ( ... ) *->   *gst_rtsp_auth_remove_digest ( ..

Thank you !

On Mon, Aug 30, 2021 at 6:33 PM Michael Gruner <michael.gruner at ridgerun.com>

> Hello Dwight
> Here's a working example from the server repo itself:
> https://github.com/GStreamer/gst-rtsp-server/blob/master/examples/test-auth-digest.c
> Michael
> www.ridgerun.com
> On 30 Aug 2021, at 14:09, Dwight Kulkarni via gstreamer-devel <
> gstreamer-devel at lists.freedesktop.org> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have got Gstreamer working with my C++ program and I am using the RTSP
> server in Gstreamer to work with my pipeline.
> When I visit the network address: rtsp://
> It is showing the network stream correctly in VLC Client.
> However, now I want to turn on digest authentication so that we can secure
> the stream, and it can only be seen when the username and password is
> supplied in VLC like so:
> rtsp://username:password@
> If my program has a list of users and passwords, how can I register them
> with the Gstreamer RTSP server and require digest authentication?
> --
> Sincerely,
> Dwight Kulkarni


Dwight Kulkarni
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