Multi pipeline logging identification
Dwight Kulkarni
dwight at
Fri Dec 10 00:56:19 UTC 2021
Hi Vinod,
I don't know enough about the debug log to help you with that, but it
doesn't appear to be the right architecture to have multiple pipelines that
are similar or same with udp different ports.
I did use multiple pipelines and had to put all the similar elements into a
single pipeline and then pull out data to multiple app sinks. Some source
elements like v4l2src did not allow two pipelines to access them
simultaneously (if memory serves).
Best regards.
On Thu., Dec. 9, 2021, 4:16 p.m. vinod kesti, <vinodkesti at> wrote:
> Hi Dwight Kulkarni,
> Thanks for responding. *gst_bus_add_watch() *handles messages.
> GST_ELEMENT_ERROR/WARNINGS are reported on the bus but not the GST_ERROR()
> and GST_WARNING().
> Any help is appreciated thanks in advance.
> Sent from Yahoo Mail. Get the app <>
> On Thursday, 9 December, 2021, 02:22:29 pm GMT-6, Dwight Kulkarni via
> gstreamer-devel <gstreamer-devel at> wrote:
> Hi Vinod,
> You can try registering for the Bus messages with: *gst_bus_add_watch(..)*
> The GstMessage object returned can be queried for it's source object name.
> On Thu, Dec 9, 2021 at 11:54 AM vinod kesti via gstreamer-devel <
> gstreamer-devel at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am running multiple Gstreamer pipelines in single linux process. All
> the pipelines are similar and only udp input and output ports are chanig.
> Log function is Registered using gst_debug_add_log_function(), after the
> gst_init(). I am not able to identify the which pipeline dumping the error.
> One way I found is if GObject is an GstElement/GstPad I am able to find
> the parent pipeline and dump the pipeline name. But I have facing problem
> when GObject in the callback is null. Is there any way to differentiate
> from which Pipeline we are getting warning.
> Sent from Yahoo Mail. Get the app <>
> --
> Sincerely,
> Dwight Kulkarni
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