gst-inspect-1.0 corrupts the serial console
Fabio Estevam
festevam at
Fri Jan 8 02:40:05 UTC 2021
I notice the following problem when running Gstreamer built with
Buildroot or Yocto: running a simple gst-inspect-1.0 command, corrupts
the serial console like shown below:
# gst-inspect-1.0 v4l2convert
[[33mFactory Details:[[0m
[[94mRank [[0mnone (0)[[0m
[[94mLong-name [[0mV4L2 Video Converter[[0m
[[94mKlass [[0mFilter/Converter/Video/Scaler[[0m
[[94mDescription [[0mTransform streams via V4L2 API[[0m
[[94mAuthor [[0mNicolas Dufresne <nicolas.dufresne at collabora
[[33mPlugin Details[[0m:
[[94mName [[0m[[0mvideo4linux2[[0m
[[94mDescription [[0m[[0melements for Video 4 Linux[[0m
[[94mFilename [[0m[[0m/usr/lib/gstreamer-1.0/libgstvideo4linux[[0m
[[94mVersion [[0m[[0m1.18.2[[0m
[[94mLicense [[0m[[0mLGPL[[0m
[[94mSource module [[0m[[0mgst-plugins-good[[0m
[[94mSource release date [[0m[[0m2020-12-06[[0m
[[94mBinary package [[0m[[0mGStreamer Good Plug-ins source release[[
[[94mOrigin URL [[0m[[0mUnknown package origin[[0m
I am running Gstreamer 1.18.2, but I recall seeing this on older versions too.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Fabio Estevam
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