Mapping frames to each other between two pipelines with common shared src

Akhil Ashref akhilashrefnc at
Tue Jan 19 10:22:18 UTC 2021


So i have a camera stream pipeline. This pipeline dumps the entire stream
into the 4 different shared memories of different fps. From one shared
memory two different pipelines take raw data. One of them saves the stream
as frames other takes the image array in python for cv applications.

This stream above is working fine.

camera-> ... -> shm1

shm1->saves frame1.png,frame2.png

shm1 -> inference pipeline

Question: I am not sure how to map the frame saved and the frame array in
inference pipeline. It is okay if frames exist in one and deosnt in another
especiallly if one or the other is startde late but those present should be
correctly paired. So basically is there any info/metadata in the gstreamer
pipeline which every raw frame/data is associated with from the starting to
the end of the pipeline. if not Any suggestions welcome!!!

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