How to retrieve last-sample from d3d11videosink

jean-philippe jean_philippe_arnaud at
Wed Mar 3 12:22:02 UTC 2021

enable-last-sample is set to TRUE by default, but setting it anyway to TRUE
make the last-sample signal work. 

   videosink = gst_element_factory_make("d3d11videosink", "");
   int x = -1;
   g_object_get(videosink, "enable-last-sample", &x, NULL);  -- > x == TRUE,
but last-sample returns nullptr
   g_object_set(videosink, "enable-last-sample", TRUE, NULL);
   g_object_get(videosink, "enable-last-sample", &x, NULL);  -- > x == TRUE,
last-sample returns valid GstSample *

Many thanks for the help!

Do you need me to file a bug report? If so, can you let me know where

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