RTSP Client sometimes doesn't send video (stream 0) packets to the client

Jeff Shanab jshanab at jfs-tech.com
Thu Mar 11 14:42:15 UTC 2021

I deal with a large amount of security cameras of different brands.

Just an FYI....
60 seconds and GET_PARAMETER are the default and work 90+% of the time.
The Setup reply will tell you if it is not default but is there for default
also, depends on brand. end of session header "timeout=60"

I have seen cameras that
1) cannot handle GET_PARAMETER in any transport (RED Vision)
2) must have OPTIONS or SET_PARAMETER instead
3) use rtcp, the rest are ignored. (I thought the timeout=nn told me which
but it is inconsistent)

The behaviour seems to vary with transport
1) rtsp-over-http.(2 sockets) All bets are off, every mfg interprets the
vague combination of the Apple Quicktime Spec differently.
2) rtsp-over-tcp.(1 socket) Usually GET_PARAMETER is universally accepted
here and is all that is needed.
3) rtsp/rtp/udp (up to 7 sockets) GET_PARAMETER for main session but some
must have rtcp receiver reports per session or they disconnect,

Patterns I see are
   if disconnect in seconds, rtcp issue
   if right on the 30 second, 1 minutes or 2 minute then
OPTIONS tells you if it supports GET_PARAMETER

Wireshark is your friend.

On Thu, Mar 11, 2021 at 9:22 AM Thornton, Keith <keith.thornton at zeiss.com>

> Hi,
> that may be because the server is not receiving the keep alive timer from
> the client. If you have a wireshark log look to see if the client sends a
> GET_PARAMETER once a minute (If you haven't changed the keep alive timeout).
> Gruesse
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: gstreamer-devel <gstreamer-devel-bounces at lists.freedesktop.org> Im
> Auftrag von renjith.t
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 11. März 2021 14:10
> An: gstreamer-devel at lists.freedesktop.org
> Betreff: Re: RTSP Client sometimes doesn't send video (stream 0) packets
> to the client
> Hi,
> I have actually gone through the session media files.
> What I found is that
> -> gstreamer rtsp server is closing the transport for the stream 0 it is
> -> done from "update_transport" method in rtsp-stream.c info debug
> -> printed is "removing TCP" where 111.78 was the
> client where video was not displayed
> so it is clear that gstreamer is explicitly closing the transport.
> --
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