does rstp server require GMainloop to run properly

watertreader watertreader at
Tue May 11 16:59:44 UTC 2021


I am trying to trying to stream via some video files through gst-rtsp-server
in a thread. I am trying to understand whether gst-rtsp-server lib usage
would require the usage of GMainLoop. As in, the framework you should adopt
would be as follows:

GMainLoop *loop;
gst_init (&argc, &argv);

loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);

// do whatever u need 
// create and set rtsp server, mount point
// connect signal and create callback
// ..........

g_main_loop_run (loop);

Or could you not use GMainLoop? Understand that in Gstreamer, using
GMainLoop and g_main_loop_run() is not a must but rather for convenience ie
you can code something like

int main()
   // do whatever u need 
   // create and set rtsp server, mount point
   // connect signal and create callback
   // ..........

      //wait for event and respond accordingly

Extra query, do you need to also create a new GMainContext and set for this
thread? I am rather not familiar with coding for Glib and Gobject


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