Reading audio levels from the PC audio output

Davide Perini perini.davide at
Tue May 11 18:59:08 UTC 2021

Thank you for the answer but I need tor run this program on Windows too.

Il 11/05/2021 20:17, Srinath Obla via gstreamer-devel ha scritto:
> Hmm.. perhaps an audio loopback? (at least for linux)
> <>
> Sri
> On Tue, 11 May 2021 at 11:07, Davide Perini via gstreamer-devel 
> <gstreamer-devel at 
> <mailto:gstreamer-devel at>> wrote:
>     Hi all,
>     I know that with d3d11desktopdupsrc, ximagesrc or avfvideosrc I can
>     screen capture my PC using Windows, Linux or Mac.
>     Is there something similar to "audio capture" the audio?
>     I would like to get the "Audio Level" of the current audio output for
>     example speakers or headphones.
>     The idea is to get the audio level from everything that is
>     producing a
>     sound on the PC,
>     example: spotify, youtube, a videogame, a generic media player,
>     ecc. ecc...
>     I don't want to capture the audio of a specific software or of a
>     specific audio/video file,
>     I want to capture the audio from the system audio output.
>     It is possible for the video since I can screen capture it, is this
>     possible for audio?
>     Thanks you
>     Davide
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