Strange issue with splitmuxsink parameter "max-size-time"

Floyd Brown flobro30101 at
Wed Sep 8 17:26:11 UTC 2021

I added the parameter max-size-time to splitmuxsink to have the pipeline
save off video segments every second. So the parameter I used:
const uint64_t SEGMENT_TIME = G_GUINT64_CONSTANT(1000000000);

uint64_t segtime = SEGMENT_TIME;
GstElement *seg_ele = add_element("splitmuxsink");
g_signal_connect(seg_ele, "format-location-full",
g_object_set(seg_ele, "max-size-time", segtime, NULL);

I get the callback, but it gives me 10 second segments instead of 1 second
segments (after they are written).

Anyone seen this before? Any ideas on what could affect the timing like PTS
values from the video?


Floyd Brown
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