Audio decoders missing/not working with meson-built Gstreamer 1.18.5 components

Justin mrjextreme6 at
Wed Sep 22 13:25:07 UTC 2021

Hello I am new to trying out Gstreamer.

Running the tutorial code (e.g. tutorial 1) against the Gstreamer 1.18.5
libraries in devenv produces video but no sound. Audio decoders are either
missing or not working. I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and I've tried the
same code with the native apt-installed Gstreamer 1.16 version and both
audio/video work with the native libraries.

Only strange thing I saw in meson build output was the base-plugins built
with warnings regarding meson versions but I have the latest 0.59 version
so I disregarded.

Has anyone else seen this before? Any suggestions?
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