gstreamer_gl (rust) on Windows

Sebastian Dröge sebastian at
Mon Feb 7 11:11:21 UTC 2022

On Fri, 2022-02-04 at 14:50 -0700, Steven Fontaine via gstreamer-devel wrote:
> Due to the inconsistencies between the C library and rust bindings,

Which inconsistencies are making things difficult for you?

> in addition to the differences between writing a gst plugin and an
> app that depends on gst, I'm unsure where in the example
> code this deactivation and reactivation is needed.

I think you need to make the glutin context "uncurrent" before these
lines and make it current again afterwards:

but I'm not entirely sure.

It might also be necessary to not have the glutin context current
during pipeline startup as that's when the actual GStreamer GL context
is created.

> To be more specific, I'm unsure where the sharing of the contexts is
> actually happening, since the bindings are fairly opaque without
> sludging through them (which isn't for the faint of heart, since the
> bindings are automatically generated by gir.)

There's no context (de)activation or sharing happening behind the
scenes in the bindings. The API is mapping more or less directly to the
C API with an added layer of memory and type safety: if you check the
generated or manual bindings code, it mostly just calls the C functions
plus some checks and type conversions before/afterwards.

Sebastian Dröge, Centricular Ltd ·

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