Trying to keep non-transcoded audio and transcoded video in sync

Matthew Shapiro me at
Wed Feb 16 15:47:39 UTC 2022

Excellent, thank you!.  This now makes perfect sense and I have synchronized audio and video in all the media players I've tested without remuxing!
From: Marianna Smidth Buschle <msb at>
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 2:32 AM
To: gstreamer-devel at <gstreamer-devel at>
Cc: me at <me at>
Subject: Re: Trying to keep non-transcoded audio and transcoded video in sync

x264enc adds an offset of 1000 to both PTS and DTS in order to be able to handle negative DTS (B frames may have negative timestamps).

It does that by sending a new SEGMENT event.

So if you look at the PTS and DTS alone they will show the offset, but if you use the segment you should get the "corrected" values.

Something like:

#if self.segment != None:
#print (name + " PTS: " + Gst.TIME_ARGS(buf.pts) + " DTS: " + Gst.TIME_ARGS(buf.dts) + " now: " + Gst.TIME_ARGS(time_now))
#print (name + " to_running_time: " + Gst.TIME_ARGS(self.segment.to_running_time(self.segment.format, buf.pts)) + " to_running_time: " + Gst.TIME_ARGS(self.segment.to_running_time(self.segment.format, buf.dts)))

There are other gstreamer elements that do the same (add this offset).

So I tried to do a bit more digging on this, not because I have an issue with your pipeline (I will probably go that route in the end) but I suspect there's something else off with my element clocks that's the true problem.  Specifically, when I play video through my pipeline VLC is showing a start time of 1000:00:00.

Through debugging I have verified the pts and dts values I am setting look correct (by looking at the results of the buffer.pts()? and buffer.dts()? values.  For example, I'm getting these for the first 3 h264 buffers I am passing in:

INPUT - dts Some(0:00:00.000000000) pts Some(0:00:00.083000000)
INPUT - dts Some(0:00:00.041000000) pts Some(0:00:00.250000000)
INPUT - dts Some(0:00:00.083000000) pts Some(0:00:00.166000000)

(The Some()? just means it's not a null value, if you aren't familiar with rust)

I then added debugging of the values coming out of the appsink, which gives me

dts 999:59:59.917000000 pts 1000:00:00.000000000
Running time: Some(0:00:00.000138500)
Start time: Some(0:00:00.000000000)
Clock time: Some(25:59:28.529101100)

dts 999:59:59.959000000 pts 1000:00:00.167000000
Running time: Some(0:00:00.047566400)
Start time: Some(0:00:00.000000000)
Clock time: Some(25:59:28.576529600)

dts 1000:00:00.000000000 pts 1000:00:00.083000000
Running time: Some(0:00:00.092902000)
Start time: Some(0:00:00.000000000)
Clock time: Some(25:59:28.621872200)

We can see that the dts and pts values are all being set up so that presentation starts at 1000:00:00.  The pipeline's start time is 00:00:00, the current running time seems to be the correct.    Clock time seems weird (doesn't match my system time but based on docs it can be pulling this from a device somewhere, and probably doesn't matter?).

So, why would my pipelines be starting from a 1000 pts?  I can't find much in the docs to help debug this further

For reference, my current iteration of my test code is using the following code to create a pipeline of appsrc ! decodebin ! videoscale ! capsfilter ! x264enc ! h264parse ! appsink?

        let appsrc = ElementFactory::make("appsrc", None).unwrap();
        let decoder = ElementFactory::make("decodebin", None).unwrap();
        let scale = ElementFactory::make("videoscale", None).unwrap();
        let capsfilter = ElementFactory::make("capsfilter", None).unwrap();
        let encoder = ElementFactory::make("x264enc", None).unwrap();
        let output_parser = ElementFactory::make("h264parse", None).unwrap();
        let appsink = ElementFactory::make("appsink", None).unwrap();

        let pipeline = Pipeline::new(None);
            &[&appsrc, &decoder, &scale, &capsfilter, &encoder, &output_parser, &appsink]
        Element::link_many(&[&scale, &capsfilter, &encoder, &output_parser, &appsink]).unwrap();

        decoder.connect_pad_added(move |src, src_pad| {
            src.link_pads(Some(&, &scale.clone(), None).unwrap();

        let caps = Caps::builder("video/x-raw")
            .field("width", 800)
            .field("height", 600)

        capsfilter.set_property("caps", caps);
        encoder.set_property_from_str("speed-preset", "veryfast");

I appreciate any insights you (or anyone) could give!

Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
“Marianna Smidth Buschle”
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