Question regarding trait bounds for some closures in gstreamer-rs

Steven Fontaine sir.fon1103 at
Sat Feb 19 15:16:08 UTC 2022

Hi, I'm in the process of building an app on top of the gstreamer rust
bindings, and I ran into
`gstreamer::prelude::ElementExt::connect_pad_added`. (
I noticed that the closure taken by this function and other similar
functions is Send + Sync. I was curious about the justification behind
marking this as Sync.

To explain my use case, I'm creating a decodebin, and within the decodebin,
creating an appsink. The appsink's callbacks require access to,
essentially, a `std::sync::mpsc::Sender`. (Technically it's a
`gluttin::event_loop::EventLoopProxy, which contains `Sender`, but I doubt
that matters.) `Sender`s are Send, but they're not Sync, so of course I'm
wrapping the whole thing in an Arc + Mutex to make the compiler happy,
which is fine, just a bit unfortunate.

So, I thought I would bring this up and see what the reasons for this are,
or perhaps, if possible, start a discussion about removing the trait if
it's somehow determined that it isn't needed.

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