IDE for develop GStreamer applications

Daniel G. Campos dgcampos2017 at
Wed Jan 5 17:03:28 UTC 2022

Dear Friends :

Thanks to all of you for your support and happy new year to all.

I am new with gstreamer and I wanted to use it to develop a c++ 
application. From the GStreamer documentation it was easy to download 
the tutorials and compile from command line a simple C application, with 
the pkg-config.

But I was wonder if someone here in the list uses an IDE to develop any 
GStreamer application, if that is the case, which IDE do you use? 
CodeLite? CodeBLocks? Visual Studio? VSCode?

I will greatly appreciate if someone uses a free open source IDE, that 
helps me configure it to compile an link it, i cannot find a proper way 
to use g++ to compile a simple application with CodeLite, for example.

it is ideal for a free code i am writing.

Thanks to all, best regards,


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