Rtspsrc location url startTime queried wrong

James Koliner koliner.james at outlook.com
Mon Sep 5 12:04:52 UTC 2022

Hi gst-devel,

Im a newbie in gstreamer and I am trying to query a NVR to get recorded videos of my security camera. Here is my gst pipeline:

gst-launch-1.0 rtspsrc location="rtsp://<NVR ip>:<NVR port>/?uuid=<cameraIP>&startTime=20220823170000000&endTime=20220824080200000" ! rtph264depay ! h264parse ! avdec_h264 ! autovideosink

Here, gstreamer queries the NVR for startTime and endTime, the thing is somehow it queries startTime+startTime like if I want to get 3:00 am at night I get 6 am at night

The same url works well with VLC and ffmpeg -ffplay...

Thank you for reading, I appreciate any comments,
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