Gstreamer display sinks

Captain Lightengine captainatroci at
Wed Sep 7 09:41:12 UTC 2022

I want to run depthai camera (OAK-1) using GStreamer for simple display on
a screen. I am facing a lot of issues starting the pipeline itself. Can
someone please help me by providing helpful resources to start with this?
any link or example would be really helpful. Thank you.

On Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 4:19 PM Eslam Ahmed <eslam.ahmed at>

> Hello,
> You can do that with an element called output-selector or with a an
> element called a valve (you will need 2 of them, one of every sink you have)
> Best Regards,
> Eslam Ahmed
> On Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 12:09 PM Captain Lightengine via gstreamer-devel <
> gstreamer-devel at> wrote:
>> Dear Gstreamer community,
>> I am working with multiple displays sinks with gstreamer python. Right
>> now, I am seeing both sinks at a time, how to switch between two displays
>> dynamically? is this anything to do with sink hide and display support?
>> please let me know about this. any help/hint would be much appreciated
>> Also, if you have any discord servers, please include me also!
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