Stereo Camera Synchronization

Michiel Konstapel michiel at
Thu Apr 20 15:36:58 UTC 2023

Not based on any relevant, practical experience, other than knowing from 
audio that synchronization is hard, I would definitely go for the "two 
frames side by side" approach and split them up afterwards. I think 
that's the easiest way to get the best possible synchronization. Cutting 
the image up into two separate frames should be pretty straightforward 
with a tee and some videocrops.


On 20-04-2023 16:53, Dwight Kulkarni via gstreamer-devel wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have two cameras with independent pipelines, the camera ends in an 
> appsink where the jpeg frames are consumed.
> The problem is that I need to extract the jpeg frames from both 
> cameras at exactly the same time. There can't be slight time 
> differences between the two images. This is for stereo image analysis.
> Right now, I terminate the pipeline in an appsink and then consume the 
> Jpeg frames that get outputted.
> If each camera runs on a separate pipeline I will get two different 
> callbacks that contain the JPEG image and there is no guarantee that 
> both images are in synch unless there is something from gstreamer that 
> can synch them.
> Alternately, we can change the camera driver so that the raw video 
> coming out of the ISP is being stitched into a frame that's twice as 
> large and then maybe crop the image in gstreamer when recording the 
> video to select only one camera but the Jpeg frame being returned will 
> contain both frames already synched.
> Before pursuing these ideas, I was hoping for any comments on what is 
> the best practice.
> -- 
> Sincerely,
> Dwight Kulkarni
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