Re: Fastest way to navigate to needed frame
Антон Шаров
sharov_am at
Mon Aug 14 17:11:25 UTC 2023
Hi, Marianna! Thank you for reply!
>but something like H264 is dependent on key-frames…
Am I right that in case of mp4 files it means that there is no faster way to get k-th frame if only call
pull-sample method k-times ?
>Пятница, 11 августа 2023, 9:55 +03:00 от Marianna Smidth Buschle <msb at>:
>I would try seeking as you mentioned.
>Though I'm not sure if you can get the frame number directly or if you
>need to convert based on time.
>I guess part of it also depends on your encoding, like a MJPEG allows
>for individual frames, but something like H264 is dependent on key-frames...
>Best Regards
>On 08/08/2023 19.55, gstreamer-devel-request at wrote:
>> Message: 2
>> Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2023 15:54:18 +0300
>> From: ????? ?????<sharov_am at>
>> To:gstreamer-devel at
>> Subject: Fastest way to navigate to needed frame
>> Message-ID:<1691499258.975972799 at>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Hi.
>> ?
>> Given pipeline ?filesrc ! decodebin ! appsink???I need fastest way to navigate to given frame number in file.
>> Say, I need frame number 9, what is the fastest way to obtain this frame ??iterate in cycle and skip frames via
>> PullSample, like :
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??var step = 0;
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? while (step < frameNumber)
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? {
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? appSink.PullSample();
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? step++;
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? }
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??var neededSample = appSink.PullSample();
>> ?
>> or there is better and faster option like Seek with some parameters like buffer and so on?
>> ?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> ?
>> KR
>Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
>“Marianna Smidth Buschle”
С Уважением,
Шаров Антон
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