Fastest way to navigate to needed frame (????? ?????)
Marianna Smidth Buschle
msb at
Wed Aug 16 12:18:50 UTC 2023
Well, I guess that depends on what exactly you are getting out of the
You can fx from caps define that you want completely RAW and decoded
frames or something in between: demuxed buffers, etc.
If you consider fx h264 buffers I suppose you would be getting both key
frames and B frames and I guess you could kind of speed things up by not
decoding all frames, but only decoding when you are at the desired index
(remembering that if the frame you want is not a KF you need the
previous KF in order to decode it).
Anyway I think the best is to play around with the SEEK and see if you
can make that work in the desired way, because I would expect it to be
the most efficient way.
On 15/08/2023 14.00, gstreamer-devel-request at wrote:
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: Fastest way to navigate to needed frame (????? ?????)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2023 20:11:25 +0300
> From: ????? ????? <sharov_am at>
> To: Marianna Smidth Buschle <msb at>
> Cc: gstreamer-devel at
> Subject: Re: Fastest way to navigate to needed frame
> Message-ID: <1692033085.783629846 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hi, Marianna! Thank you for reply!
> ?
>> but something like H264 is dependent on key-frames?
> ?
> Am I right that in case of mp4 files it means that?there is no faster way to get k-th?frame if only call
> pull-sample method k-times ??
> ?
> ?
>> ???????, 11 ??????? 2023, 9:55 +03:00 ?? Marianna Smidth Buschle <msb at>:
>> ?
>> I would try seeking as you mentioned.
>> Though I'm not sure if you can get the frame number directly or if you
>> need to convert based on time.
>> I guess part of it also depends on your encoding, like a MJPEG allows
>> for individual frames, but something like H264 is dependent on key-frames...
>> Best Regards
>> Marianna
>> On 08/08/2023 19.55, gstreamer-devel-request at wrote:
>>> Message: 2
>>> Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2023 15:54:18 +0300
>>> From: ????? ?????<sharov_am at>
>>> To:gstreamer-devel at
>>> Subject: Fastest way to navigate to needed frame
>>> Message-ID:<1691499258.975972799 at>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>>> Hi.
>>> ?
>>> Given pipeline ?filesrc ! decodebin ! appsink???I need fastest way to navigate to given frame number in file.
>>> Say, I need frame number 9, what is the fastest way to obtain this frame ??iterate in cycle and skip frames via
>>> PullSample, like :
>>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??
>>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??var step = 0;
>>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? while (step < frameNumber)
>>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? {
>>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? appSink.PullSample();
>>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? step++;
>>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? }
>>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??var neededSample = appSink.PullSample();
>>> ?
>>> or there is better and faster option like Seek with some parameters like buffer and so on?
>>> ?
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> ?
>>> KR
>> --
>> Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
>> ?Marianna Smidth Buschle?
> ?
> ?
> --
> ? ?????????,
> ????? ?????
> ?
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Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
“Marianna Smidth Buschle”
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