gstramer\v4l2loopback userptr mode
Regine Issan
regine.issan at
Tue Aug 22 09:14:16 UTC 2023
Hello Everyone,
I have an app that captures frames from a video device using v4l2.
the app should support all i-o modes.
I am mostly interested in userptr mode.
when i run the code with physical camera it works (with userptr mode).
when i run the same code with v4l2loopback camera and gstreamer,
it fails. calling VIDIOC_REQBUFS with V4L2_MEMEORY_USERPTR returns not
in in link:
Nicolas Dufresne <> pointed me out
that v4l2loopback does not support userptr.
I find his anser very helpful and consider my next steps.
several questions:
1. can i count that gstreamer works with user ptr ?
the link below suggests it sohuld work, correct ?
clearly, i am looking for simple stable solution.
as much as I love code, clearly it is preferable to use existing tools
to get fast and stable simulator.
if you could please advise ,which of the following options would you
recommend ?
option1: use gstreamer\v4l2sink without v4l2loopback
my question here: which tool can i use instead
v4l2loopback ?
which tool did v4l2sink develpers used to check the
usertpr mode ?
option2:any other gstreamer alternative for v4l2sink\v4l2loopback ?
option3: changing v4l2loopback to support userptr
i am not video expert, in fact, quite new.
I wonder whyv4l2loopback did not support userptr mode
dou you think this is a hude task ?
can you see Any specific challenge ? I
PS: my userptr works with shared memeory
it should be accessible in user and kernel mode
(as the code worked with physical camera)
option4: writing a tool that replace v4l2loopback and gstramer
My single goal is to mimic A camera driver
that reads images from disk and writes it to v4l2 using userptr.
so maybe I should just write an app,
that declares the device and writes to v4l2 directly , just like
driver do ?
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