Re: How to get fragment of mp4 file? How to properly concatenate mp4 files?

Антон Шаров sharov_am at
Wed Aug 23 11:26:16 UTC 2023

Thank you for reply.
But is there any chances to accomplish this task with gstreamer? In my project I’m already stick to this lib + in this case it would be like dll calling (gstreamer) vs process calling (ffmpeg).
>Среда, 23 августа 2023, 14:13 +03:00 от James <jam at>:
>> On 23 Aug 2023, at 5:57 pm, Антон Шаров via gstreamer-devel < gstreamer-devel at > wrote:
>> Hi.
>> • Given some mp4 file, I need to retrive fragment from it. Say I’m interested of a fragment on k second of a video file, I need to retrieve video fragment from k-2 second to k+2 second, namely few seconds before interested event, few second after interested event. What is the best approach (pipeline) to do that?
>> • What is the correct way to concatenate mp4 files, is it simple stream concatenation — append one file to another or there could be corner cases?
>ffmpeg is your friend.
>Stackoverflow has lots of examples. (google)
С Уважением,
Шаров Антон
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