How to have re-transmission for packet loss in RTSP

Usama Tahseen Ul Haque usamawizard at
Thu Aug 31 04:08:40 UTC 2023

I have tried to follow this example for RTSP retransmission.

  gst_rtsp_media_factory_set_profiles (factory, GST_RTSP_PROFILE_AVPF);

When the profile is set like above , ffmpeg / mplayer  / VLC is not able to
play and says that it is an unsupported protocol. I don't know which player
supports this protocol, only the gstreamer player is able to play the video.

When the gst_rtsp_media_factory_set_profiles line  is removed then all the
players are working but there is a lot of artifact on the video if there is
packet loss.

everything is working fine on local env but on cloud there are artifact
because of packet loss

I also tried making retransission_time to 10 sec but it did not work.
gst_rtsp_media_factory_set_retransmission_time (factory, 10000 *

Tried enabling RTCP as required for NACK (did not work i can see RTCP
messages in wireshark )

gst_rtsp_media_factory_set_enable_rtcp(factory , 1);

Tried setting  retransmission true (Did not worked )


I still get the artifacts / glitches on the video some time video just
stuck on the client side
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