Building and Installing the latest versions of gstreamer in Ubuntu 22.04LTS

cfd new newcfd at
Tue Jul 18 16:59:20 UTC 2023


Get Source
   - get source: git clone ​
   - git tag -l <==== to list all tags
   - git checkout tags/1.22.2 <==== for example

Build and install
   - cd gstreamer
   - meson setup --prefix=/opt/thirdParties/gstreamer1-22-2 -Dlibdir=lib builddir
   - ninja -C builddir
   - sudo ninja install -C builddir

Do not build into default places. Otherwise, you may have hard time to clean it up if you want to remove it or change it.Set the proper path for your own use after it is installed. 

Also you need to build video drivers.
    On Monday, July 17, 2023, 03:25:09 a.m. EDT, GST Developer via gstreamer-devel <gstreamer-devel at> wrote:  
 Thanks James.
Could i ask which “Wiki” you are referring to ?
Is it this: the info in the Github repo ?or some other WIKI ?
I am trying to build the latest version which appears to be 1.23 or 1.24
Thanks !!

From: James <jam at>
Subject: Re: Building and Installing the latest versions of gstreamer in Ubuntu 22.04LTS
Date: 17 July 2023 at 00:03:21 BST
To: Discussion of the development of and with GStreamer <gstreamer-devel at>

I followed the wiki and had no problems (was for 1.20)
The only bit that got me is hidden in the wiki: how to build a system install not a test sandbox.

On 17 Jul 2023, at 1:11 am, GST Developer via gstreamer-devel <gstreamer-devel at> wrote:

Hi Folks.

I am trying to build and install the current gstreamer (1.22 or 1.23) in Ubuntu 22.04LTS
apt install will only get version 1.20 so I need to build from source.
This has proven to be tricky, and I wondered if anyone had a good recipe.  
The first issue is the need for meson 0.62 (apt install delivers 0.61).  I have addressed that with a manual install of 0.62 via pip and this gets you through building sucessfully
However, when it comes to installing, with sudo ninja install we hit another issue, with mesonbuild which I have not been able to resolve. I believe some of the issue might be related to hard coded paths to specific binaries.

Does anyone have a known working sequence of commands to build *and* install GStreamer from source on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS ?

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