Building and Installing the latest versions of gstreamer in Ubuntu 22.04LTS

cfd new newcfd at
Wed Jul 19 20:26:39 UTC 2023

Understand. type 
which mesonto show which meson you are using.also check the meson versionmeson --version.My OS is Lubuntu 22.04 and meson version is 1.1.99. Upgrade your machine and the check meson version again.If the version is too low, install meson from the source 
and build it.
 path/meson setup --prefix=/opt/thirdParties/gstreamer1-22-4 -Dlibdir=lib builddir
    On Tuesday, July 18, 2023, 04:26:53 p.m. EDT, GST Developer via gstreamer-devel <gstreamer-devel at> wrote:  
 Many thanks for this clear info.
- Which version of meson did you use ? and how was it installed ?
I had tried with :sudo apt install meson
but (on Ubuntu 22.04) this installs 0.61 which hits an issue somewhere in the gst build. ERROR: Meson version is 0.61.2 but project requires >= 0.62.0
so I used :pip3 install --user meson==0.62.0export PATH=$PATH:/home/ubuntu/.local/bin
However, this hit an error at meson setup --prefix=/opt/thirdParties/gstreamer1-22-4 -Dlibdir=lib builddirreporting no meson, so I went ahead and added sudo apt install meson
I tested this sequence on a clean Ubuntu 22.04 instance, and it got all the way up to:sudo ninja install -C builddir
where it failed with :ERROR: Build directory has been generated with Meson version 0.62.0, which is incompatible with the current version 0.61.2.FAILED: meson-install 
I have been trawling my way through this for 2 weeks now over and over using different methods on clean OS installs, and meson version has proven to be a bug bear.
Also, could you share any dependancies you recommend ahead of this command sequence ?

On 18 Jul 2023, at 17:59, cfd new <newcfd at> wrote:

Get Source
   - get source: git clone ​
   - git tag -l <==== to list all tags
   - git checkout tags/1.22.2 <==== for example

Build and install
   - cd gstreamer
   - meson setup --prefix=/opt/thirdParties/gstreamer1-22-2 -Dlibdir=lib builddir
   - ninja -C builddir
   - sudo ninja install -C builddir

Do not build into default places. Otherwise, you may have hard time to clean it up if you want to remove it or change it.Set the proper path for your own use after it is installed. 

Also you need to build video drivers.
On Monday, July 17, 2023, 03:25:09 a.m. EDT, GST Developer via gstreamer-devel <gstreamer-devel at> wrote:

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