Get camera timestamp from rtsp stream.

Jeff Shanab jshanab at
Thu Jul 20 17:35:51 UTC 2023

rtsp establishes the session containing multipl rtp streams and negotiates
the SDP which tells the client all the timebases and stuff for each rtp
rtp has a timestamp in the time base of the codec 90khz for h264, 8khz for
pcm audio, etc.
rtcp is part of the rtp protocol and handles the clock syncronizations and
drift so an established stream can adjust it's play clock.

rtsp connect :
   receiving client calculates the offset from the rtpo timestamp to the
local timestamp adjusting for time-base
  within 2 seconds the and every 5 seconds thereafter, an RTCP packet
(Sender Report) is sent telling the receiver the current rtp to wall-clock
time mapping so if this mapping changes the offset can be adjusted.
  It also provides the ability for the client to send back receiver reports
so the server can adjust it's sending.
  Idea being if you have a conference call with multiple receivers a slow
receiver can report this and bandwidth or latency can be adjusted to smooth
things out.

On Thu, Jul 20, 2023 at 1:06 PM Антон Шаров via gstreamer-devel <
gstreamer-devel at> wrote:

> Hi, Anand!
> Thank you so much for reply!
> > If the camera does not support any extra timing as described above, then
> I am not sure how to get the exact actual capture timestamp of the frame
> from the camera.
> Sure, camera has to support this. I forgot to mention it but it was
> assumed.
> For now it seems I found solution described here —
> In my case it was enough —
> What confuse me when I tried before (whilde debugging) is that it not
> always returns timestamp,
> and there is a reason for this — there is special RTCP packet which occurs
> once in few a seconds
> and provide precise info. I believe once it is obtained there would be
> more or less precise camera time.
> Still I have to read more (including your link provided above) because I’m
> not sure what happens if
> for some time we miss these RTCP packets. Say if we only obtained it once
> in the beginning of session,
> and we (capture) stream for hours, what will GetReferenceTimestampMeta()
> return in this case?
> If for some reason, GetReferenceTimestampMeta starts return null (ts ==0)
> we should fallback on other
> mechanism, probably one you described (thank you again!!!).
> Still I have few questions maybe for separate topic:
>    1. exact and precise method to obtain ts for keyframe of a newly
>    created file. My approach above simply takes latest ts value. I don’t think
>    it is very critical, hopefully there are should be some nanoseconds
>    difference, but still it would be nice to be sure that I have ts for needed
>    buffer and not ts for some transient buffer (frame for prev. mp4 file, for
>    example)
>    2. Is it possible to provide meta information for each frame, namely
>    give each frame it’s timestamp? There is smth like GstMeta, but I’m not
>    sure there is examples to provide meta info for each frame. Maybe use
>    Identity element?
> Thank you very much for your time and help, Anand!
> Среда, 19 июля 2023, 21:23 +03:00 от Anand Sivaram <aspnair at>:
> I think Jeff was talking about this one.
> 6.3 section RTP header extension
> That would require the camera to support it.
> @Anton - got your requirement.  If the camera does not support any extra
> timing as described above, then I am not sure how to get the exact actual
> capture timestamp of the frame from the camera.
> We can try to derive it based on RTP timestamp only.
> - With splitmuxsink and "format-location" callback, get the system time -
> for example time.time() equivalent of python - on the RTSP client and mark
> it in the MP4 filename.
> - RTP clock gets incremented by 90000Hz and if it is 30fps then 3000 in
> every frame.
> - Since you are using 3sec MP4, then there would be 90 frames, 270000 in
> RTP timestamp increase.
> - Now run the recording for some time, correlate the actual time observed
> on "format-location" and the RTP timestamp and compute the jitter and see
> if it is sufficient.
> This method has one assumption - that is the network jitter is low and
> manageable..  If the camera and RTSP client are on the same network -
> preferably wired - then jitter would be a few msec only, then that could be
> less than 10% of interframe time of 33msec.
> Anyway, would be happy to hear better suggestions from experts.
> Thanks and Regards
> Anand
> On Wed, 19 Jul 2023 at 22:56, Антон Шаров <sharov_am at
> <// at>> wrote:
> Hi, Anand!
> Thank you so much for your reply!
> The thing is I don’t need RTP, I need exact camera(server) capture time of
> a frame.
> Ideally, I need capture time for each frame, but probably for some
> keyframe of mp4 file
> (first frame of this video file?) would be ok also. I’m trying to use my
> custom appsink,
> smth like
> appSink.NewSample += AppSink_NewSample;
> splitmuxsink["sink"] = appSink;
> splitmuxsink["max-size-time"] = 3000000000;
> splitmuxsink["async-finalize"] = false;
> private static void AppSink_NewSample(object o, NewSampleArgs args)
>         {
>             if (o is AppSink aps)
>             {
>                 var sample = aps.PullSample();
>                 var buf = sample.Buffer;
>                 buf.Map(out var info, MapFlags.Read);
>                 var ts = buf.GetReferenceTimestampMeta();// !!!!!!
>                 buf.Unmap(info);
>             }
>         }
> I don’t quite understand whether it is possible to have needed (3 sec. in
> this case) mp4 file in
> whole buffer, for which I can use GetReferenceTimestampMeta() which return
> me timestamp
> for this buffer (hence for  whole file, hence for keyframe). But on
> practice with my custom sink
> I got some weired chunks in buffer and  GetReferenceTimestampMeta returns
> null (not null exactly,
> but some useless info where needed timestamp = 0).
> I believe this ideal approach won’t work (because appsink is not
> seekable), but at least it looks like
> desired solution.
> In case of default sink (filesink), I need
>    1. change file name, which somehow seems to be possible but is buggy
>    on .net library, but at least it is seems to possible;
>    2. get timestamp of the first frames (buffer) of newly created file.
>    Ideally I would like to name newly created file with timestamp_value.mp4.
> Среда, 19 июля 2023, 12:37 +03:00 от Anand Sivaram <aspnair at
> <// at>>:
> Hello Anton,
> The RTSP media is coming as separate RTP streams for each video and
> audio.  They must be having only usual RTP parameters like timestamp,
> sequence number and payload type.
> That too RTP timestamps are initialized randomly as per standard, so the
> timestamps on video and audio streams have no relation at all.
> If you are planning to read the time using some OCR software from the
> video frame, then you will have to decode H.264 and the typical granularity
> is 1sec.
> Are you using the "format-location" callback signal in splitmuxsink with
> which you can generate custom filenames with timestamp and any prefix.  It
> is not available on gst-launch, but it is definitely available on C and
> Python.
> Thanks and Regards
> Anand
> On Mon, 17 Jul 2023 at 15:36, Антон Шаров via gstreamer-devel <
> gstreamer-devel at
> <>>
> wrote:
> Hi.
> I’m given rtsp stream from camera, where each frame has capturing
> timestamp.
> Connection strin looks like rtsp://{usr}:{pwd{@ip_addr
> /onvif/media?profile=Profile1
> I need to store this data for some time and provide search access for this
> data, either return closest (exact) frame for provided timestamp or
> return mp4 file which containts this closest frame. My first pipeline is  rtsp
> ! h264depay ! h264parse ! splitmuxsink  location=… max-time-size=10seconds
> (for example), when I save new file via splitmuxsink, I’m some how need to
> get camera timestamp
> for first frame of video (or key frame) and maybe store this mp4 file as
> timestamp.mp4 (or save ts for later in some db, for example).
> Other approach is to use jpegenc and to store each frame with it’s
> timestamp, but I don’t know how to obtain timestamp for jpeg buffer (rtsp !
> decodebin ! jpegenc ! appsink). But  I assume  that this won’t be effective
> solution in terms of CPU and storage usage, and better to store mp4 files.
> So, in both cases I don’t know how to get reference-timestamp-meta for
> needed buffer.
> Can someone help me?
> PS: I use C# wrapper, namely gstreamer-sharp, but I don’t think it is
> relevant for this problem.
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> С Уважением,
> Шаров Антон
> --
> С Уважением,
> Шаров Антон
> --
> С Уважением,
> Шаров Антон
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