TLS/SSL support not available; install glib-networking

Plastic Love24 plasticlove24 at
Fri Nov 3 11:20:43 UTC 2023

I'm trying to make a secure WebRTC connection using GStreamer 1.22 on macOS
<>, based on this example
When trying to connect to the signaling server via wss://, I get the
following error:

HTTP/1.1 6 TLS/SSL support not available; install glib-networking

Should the example work out-of-the-box? Is glib-networking somewhere in
GStreamer.framework, and just isn't being found?

Or, if I have to add it manually: How can I do so without creating
system-wide dependencies? Everything needs to be self-contained in one
folder, which can be moved and sent to customers. So using a package
manager to install glib-networking system-wide won't do.

In GStreamer.framework/Libraries/gio/modules/ there's only
I've tried loading that manually using g_module_open_full, before the call
to gst_init_check. Loading succeeds, but I still get the above error.

Any help would be appreciated. I've checked the similar questions, but
didn't find a solution.
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